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    I know.

    I agree completely.

    Kissing is nothing compared to what some of these mods do.

    "In the Top 20 best selling games on PS3, 4th Best selling in the series. Seems pretty solid example for my point."

    So instead of a cruise some American tourists got to learn what life was like in Medieval Europe and still is in some third world countries.

    Also, most of the people on the Mayflower were religious extremists who thought art was the work of the Devil, people so extreme they were persecuted out of late medieval England.

    Why on earth doing people keep making FPS games into strategy games?!

    My point is that something selling well is rarely a sign of real quality.

    Riverwood. Really? REALLY?!?!

    Call of Duty sells well.

    I still can't believe people argue against female protagonists. Hell, it's hard for me to grasp why people even argue against female characters period.

    Bad example, my friend. Very, very bad example.

    At least Prometheus was actually interesting.

    What the implications of "... They're blind aliens that are attracted to sound and explode on contact..." did to my face.

    The Jedi are boring as hell. Yes to this.

    It's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen. I have no idea who the hell gave it the a-okay. Clearly they have no interest (or never watched) the movie(s). It's a damnable shame to the movie and a downright embarrassment to Gearbox.

    Generally. Though some assume that their perspective is the truth.

    Correction: you, my friend, think it's horrible.

    Is this even a legitimate question? Monster all the way.

    I'm not sure.