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    I see.

    You agreed with Arppis, who was referring to Resistance's silent protagonist. Thus you implied a target, and potentially a comparison, even if you weren't necessarily referring to MC in the same sentence.

    It's true. Role Playing Games are just that.

    I could care less if they do.

    It's on temporary hold due to more pressing projects.

    You think that's good? You should hear his Chloe Moretz.

    "Unfortunately", I have other better, more developed ideas that have long since passed the beta stage this little project of mine is currently held in.

    Slow down there, Christopher Nolan.

    Sounds like an idea of mine.

    Same story, same enemies, same environment.

    I've done the former and no, life is not a waste of time.

    But it would still be the same game, albeit one seen through a slightly different lens.

    All the calls from Chloe Moretz fanboys?

    Felt like every second clip in those videos was from the second Hellboy movie.

    I certainly hope not.

    "Anything after that is just trying to copy that success."

    Strap your fireproof suits on, boys and girls.

    This makes no sense.

    Technically he did talk a few times.

    You're not including the ... um, you know ... the game itself.