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    It's got one of the strongest art styles I've seen in a long time, that's for sure. Screwups aside, I can't see much getting in the way of this being GOTY-worthy.


    "Exercise isn't fun, so making it fun is the only logical thing to do."

    You're willfully missing my point.

    Balance between the constructed worlds and the world around us is important too.


    "Unbearable tedium"?

    I actually enjoy working out ...

    I thought this was it ...

    Now playing

    Did it ever occur to you that I'm not actually Che and don't agree with his principles?

    Yes, those too.

    It seems to me that some of these brutish creatures are capable of speech ... and can even use commas too! Who would've thought?

    Sweet mother of mercy that was funny.

    Frankly, it's disgusting.

    The people dancing in the street made us look like a bunch of f**king animals.

    This is how the NHL games were to my brother and I.

    Ugh. Beat me to it.

    Little old me.

    Where exactly are those?

    Some bad luck in your family, man.