
This is a poorly written article. There are no clear connections to anything. You try to tie Contador to gold medals to yellow jerseys to Team Sky and then, wait, Eurozone crisis!!! WTF man, did you write this while high? This is terrible journalism.

“That’s my dad!”

MLB teams hate him. Learn this man's one trick to score free season tickets!

Uh. I mean. If you’re fixing a fight with a guy and basing your trust on whether or not he does illegal things, you’re kind of caught in a paradox, there.

Because it wasn’t hard at all?

Hopefully this will urge bellator not to put on matches like this, they dodged a huge bullet. If that dude died they would be in such a shit hole right now. Dada is clearly not a competent fighter, nor was he conditioned properly for a professional fight. I don’t care how well he did in the backyard fight scene.

I agree with you. I have yet to see a weight loss regimen that increases potassium levels - just doesn’t make sense to me.

That still doesn’t sound right. I’ve gone through extended periods of weight loss in my life (medically supervised) and the result is usually lower levels of potassium in the body. After weight loss, some people are prescribed potassium pills to raise those levels. Unless he was taking some totally weird supplement, I

Anyone who would risk fixing a fight with Dada 5000 is an idiot to begin with. How are you going to trust a guy who runs illegal fights in his backyard?

So....whats Kimbo’s excuse then?

Nice article. Man, get that guy his jersey, he deserves it.

What is this “goalie gear”??? Boy, this is ‘MURICA (!!!), the NHL ain’t no thing. I’m certainly not going to know about your “goalie gear”.

Who? What’s his day job? Does the “C” mean that he sells “Cola” in between periods? I mean, it’s the NHL - don’t they all have day jobs once they’re finished playing ice capades?

When I saw the main pic, I couldn’t tell who the bank manager was. Homeboy on the right looks terrified as fuck, thought it was him.

I'm a big soccer fan, but I certainly haven't bought a modern Arsenal Jersey because I don't want to he a walking ad for Emirates. So I'll stick with my retro Jersey.

Well at least we can look forward to less commercial breaks now that they are getting this extra ad revenue, right?....right?....

Even purity aside, like you said they just look fucking terrible.

I’m not sad...just disappointed.

It's really sad. Ads are gonna be on major American professional sports uniforms. I never thought I'd see that day in my lifetime.

I remember living in LA during this period. You would tune in to sports radio just waiting for the news report that Kobe & Kupchak and/or Kobe & Bynum came to blows with each other in a dirty street fight, literally. You just knew it was coming at some point - it was a tense period. So talks about a blockbuster trade