Is there a pre-contest or raffle that you have to win? Article says 20 people. Surely more than just 20 people put in deposits for season tickets, right???
Is there a pre-contest or raffle that you have to win? Article says 20 people. Surely more than just 20 people put in deposits for season tickets, right???
Hey, man, did you know that your post sounds just like one of those clickba . . . oh, wait, I see what you did there . . .
Are they doing crossfit while this promotion is going on??? If my wife went out of the house or gym dressed like that then she would no longer be my wife.
This is a poorly written article. There are no clear connections to anything. You try to tie Contador to gold medals to yellow jerseys to Team Sky and then, wait, Eurozone crisis!!! WTF man, did you write this while high? This is terrible journalism.
Yeah but that has nothing to do with/or caused by weight loss. So I stand by my first statement - something isn’t adding up here, weight loss didn’t cause these issues (or at least not the weight loss alone).
My ex-wife used to use this term and so did her family - all hicks from Montana. They were shocked that I was shocked for using such a term. I can’t even post what her grandma would say about a certain race and their feet . . .
This is exactly why anyone who plays, likes or is any way related to soccer is a fucking idiot.
OK, boy
When I saw the main pic, I couldn’t tell who the bank manager was. Homeboy on the right looks terrified as fuck, thought it was him.
This is what happens when you get two beta males up on the same stage
You must be fun at parties.
You must be fun at parties.
Something about this just makes my stomach turn. Everything else out there has advertising, we are all saturated with ads. Uniforms are the last, “clean surface” that we have left. Not to mention that 99.9% of ads on jerseys in other sports look tacky as hell! Why can’t we keep jerseys clean for the purity of the…
Game is just fine. Settle down there, Cam . . .
A LOT of people believe that. I’m with you, I think the majority of pro athletes (any sport) are hyper competitive assholes that will do anything to win. Period. People who buy into the Nike commercials (“What am I on? I’m on my bike!”) are just plain delusional. There is no such thing as an honest pro athlete - only…
OMG this is hilarious because I was literally just in Mexicali!!! I ate dinner at a nice Italian restaurant where this woman was trying to hurry up her party out of the place. She stood at the door and yelled at the top of her lungs “RUIDO!!!!” which is “noise” in Spanish and also what the announcers yell at the…
Subtlety. You, Sir, have it . . .
Great link. Guy is a millionaire, but calls it china food - classy.
How exactly would that work? You would only turn on your water heater when you’re about to shower? I guess I don’t understand how this would actually save you money. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, would love to save more money.
How exactly would that work? You would only turn on your water heater when you’re about to shower? I guess I don’t…
Stanford has basically given a “non-apology apology”. It’s a thing, google it. A reply like that is standard passive-aggressive NorCal junk. I have very little respect for them after this.