Jim Hubbard

You really have to be a dick to not have a single friend that would shave your head.

You really have to be a dick to not have a single friend that would shave your head.

Don’t buy these. They suck....or rather they don’t suck. The little suckers that are supposed to keep them attached to your toilet just don’t.

Don’t buy these. They suck....or rather they don’t suck. The little suckers that are supposed to keep them

They all have added shit on them. Where is an unlocked phone (besides the Pixel) that is just plain android?

They all have added shit on them. Where is an unlocked phone (besides the Pixel) that is just plain android?

It is so easy to make something like Internet Noise into a real product to poison the data well that I am shocked this article got posted at all.

While you’re figuring out which VPN to buy, we should also concentrate on a list of companies to NOT buy from - namely any company headquartered in Arizona - the state that elected that asshole, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), who introduced the bill in the Senate last week that stripped you of the only privacy protection

While you’re figuring out which VPN to buy, we should also concentrate on a list of companies to NOT buy from -

My 1999 Ford Explorer has 278,879 miles on it and will (barring some unforeseen problem) cross the 300,000 mile mark before Christmas.


What if the available statistics show that black people commit more crimes (per capita) than other races? Would it still be racist to point it out?

Top Gear isn’t back. It will never be back without the 3 amigos.

If you self-identify as a different gender, sexual orientation or race do you get to take advantage of all of the government programs for that gender, sexual orientation or race?

I got hired as a Senior Visual Basic Developer at a logistics company. Once taken to my cubicle, I was told to read some company docs in my inbox and make myself at home before my tour of the facilities later that day.

Do body weight exercises.

Sure. The first black President, along with the nation’s black Attorney General, the entire Department of Justice, the Ferguson police force and the FBI, and several black eyewitnesses, all collided together (without anyone breaking rank and spilling the beans) to exonerate a single white cop of murdering a black man.

Verizon can lie to you all they want. When you sign the contract, you agree to settle all disputes through an arbiter (no lawsuits) and not to join any class action lawsuits against the company.

It doesn’t have to pass a sniff test. Its what the DOJ, under President Obama, said happened.

“...Darren Wilson executed Michael Brown, Jr. on Canfield Drive in 2014.”