Alien Astronauts Ate My Brain

I need wine and chocolate, and preferably cheese. Someone take away my internet, such that I cannot watch the destruction of the nation. Please, and thank you.

Damn he’s a bumblefuck

Every single member of the service that I know friggin loves this guy because “we’re getting a pay raise.” The ones I know don’t care about anything else he’s done, because theyre going to be paid more.

This is so great!

Oh, that’s no fun. :( I don’t know what to say other than I hope the hot flashes are short in duration and infrequent. :(

Same, friend. It’s nonstop anxiety over here. I keep waiting for the next barrage of awful, horrid things said and done in the name of 45's regime. I think I’ve aged 10 years in six months.

Midna from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Live in this shitbird’s state; can confirm people here use it. At least my Georgia-born mother-in-law does when kvetching about her younger children.

My rott would more likely drown you in saliva while kissing you than nip, much less bite. Jeeze.

My bedroom is BRIGHT orange. I love it. If it’s a color you love, you’ll figure out the rest of the color in the room. If youre hesitant, try doing one wall; it’s a dose for you to try and not too horrible to paint over if you must.

Eh, it’s school in a super conservative Bible belt area of the US. Personally, it’s hair. It doesnt have an impact on my ability to learn/test/participate.

My hair was like this for a long while before I went into nursing school! I loved how fast it dried, how easy it was to care for, and how unlikely it was to get tangled. Then nursing school happened and I got yelled at for having a haircut that was “out of uniform regulations” even though it was never specified in our

Ahh... OK. Thanks for the correction. :)

This is not the point, but... didn’t L’Enfant (I butchered that spelling) design Paris? And also DC?

ILOVED my live-aboard. 10/10 would do again. (Both [large] dogs loved it too.)

I wish dearly that I had not read this sentence while drinking my coffee, for now both my morning and computer screen and shot. Well done.

This looks like a Renaissance-era painting come to life. I wish my hair looked half that good.

The music of my parents’ generation is far superior to my own. Give me the music of the 70s or give me silence.

I really, and truly hope that you are right. I keep waiting for this waking nightmare to end, but it keeps going on.

...did someone legit suggest that Jaden Smith is on the same level of famous/talented as Will Smith...?