Alien Astronauts Ate My Brain

I mean, it worked: I went to their website and looked at their clothes. She will move their product.


Yeah, it’s hard to live here. It makes me sad to hear the news coming out of places like Savannah and Atlanta about rampant violence.

hahaha clever, clever

Hahaha! How does this not have more stars?!

Nah, but similar. Just on a smaller, more gross-concentrated scale.

I thanked him but politely declined. Not sure what was actually happening there... I was grateful that he had a chance to see the giant dog in the event there was something sideways happening. There’s been a bunch of breakins around my neighborhood. :(

We’re hoping for Alaska or a variety of New England states. Here’s really disagreeable for a multitude of reasons.

Congratulations! Its such an exciting time; so much to have fun.

Super excited to be getting orders soon. We haven’t even been here a year yet, and thankfully we are going to leave. I have never disliked a place so much.

Not for nothing, but, she’s a no-body: she was married to a military sniper. His valor, experience and awards weren’t transferred to her upon his death. Nothing she says holds weight.

Not happy about the reunion between Roberts and Peters; she’s got anger issues and an abusive streak. I had hoped their split would be permanent.

She looks like Fergie, from the Black Eyed Peas, to me.

I wrote about how much I hate living in GA last night. More evidence that GA is the hemorroidal butthole of America.

anything that makes you feel that good is worth paying full price for

Ooh, who makes it?

I literally hate this place more than any other place I have ever been.

Literally ALL of my preconceived notions about life in Georgia have been confirmed in the last 6 months.

Georgia. I’ve been called names by strangers like Giant and Yankee, literally asked “are you a man, you know, like Bruce Jenner” while waiting in line at Dunkin Donuts, prodded repeatedly about my “spiritual home” and made fun of for being from “Taxachusetts.” Oh, did I mention that someone whipped a pistol out of

Sounds like you’re about to have one hell of an adventure!