This surprises no one.
This surprises no one.
This is a slightly different angle of that paradigm: this is the military prison system. It’s famous for being extremely tough. There is no illusions about rehabilitation in that system: it’s just straight up punishment.
I agree with you, I am not exactly for it myself.
What punishment do you suggest? She broke the rules, something has to be done.
To be fair it sounds like she is getting 7 with the the remaining 7 being suspend. Still not right, but 7 much better than the whole 14
I don’t quite get the outrage over Chelsea Manning. She leaked classified information and received punishment for it. I feel bad that she seems to have severe mental health issues (not referring to her gender identity here), but why are we making her a martyr? She seems like a royal pain in the ass prisoner.
The ruling would be in your favor, you have the right as an employer to dictate dress code (including hair and hygiene) as long as that doesn’t violate a protected class.
The first post about this guy had a lot of the commentariat, including myself, thinking this dude looks like Thom Yorke.
Zero - Because when some nut job comes up on you from behind, yells at you while shoving you in the face (even with a pie) - you are allowed to fight back against that assault
Live in a nearby town, can confirm.
Sacramento seems like the kind of place you move to when things just haven’t worked out as well as you hoped
I cun’t believe you twat this was an appropriate thing to say.
I’m onboard with that vagenda.
“But I think the footage would inform witness accounts?”
Despite the “definitive” lack of weapon, police maintain that Scott ignored commands to drop his weapon. From
Not to be outdone the WNBA has announced that next year referees will make a point of emphasis on boxing out properly.
Good point, although as others have pointed out about that case, Johnny did have a documented history of violence and aggression that most people had either overlooked or forgotten about or just didn’t realize. Brad doesn’t have anything like that does he? Not that that proves anything... some people can hide their…
You’re kind. I thought stripper, porn star...