Feminist Kook

You know you can share Prime between accounts so you get the free shipping without the snooping, right?

cheezits hnnnng


Possibly, but what they offered my dad was only a little more than what other area dealerships offered me when I went to other dealers.

I am woman. Ergo, I am the child’s Creator. And no man (lookin’ at you, male politicians) can tell me what to do.

I went to buy a car over the summer at this one dealership that just lied to my face about everything.

I mean, can you imagine what the reaction would be on the left if conservatives were sending sex toys to feminists in order to mock them?

What? No, I want fewer people in my bathroom, not more. As a horribly pee-shy person, all I want in the world is to have more single-person restrooms of either (or no!) gender.

James Deen looks like a puppy, a fact which I find incredibly difficult to reconcile with how awful he is and the fact that he is a popular porn star.

Ugh so much nope. I don’t trust a total stranger to use condoms on toys and clean them well.

So somehow in my head I conflated Huma Abedin with Amal Clooney to create this fictional lawyer/activist who was active in human rights and was an aide to Clinton, who left Weiner for George Clooney and is now living happily ever after.

I disagree completely. Bieber is white bread and therefore should stick with boring short white-kid hair.

I love Chipotle because I like the idea of Mexican food but can’t actually handle any sort of flavor. True story. Cilantro? Blech! Lime? Gross! Onions? Disgusting. Spices or spiciness of any kind? Get it away from me!

I dunno, I kinda feel a little “don’t bang married men” about it. I know that’s terrible and all, but, well. I’m not saying I agree that Tichina should have done it - it’s definitely a bad move - but I do understand it.

You can choose whatever name you want and you choose Narcissa? Ugh.

But if I take a half-hour lunch break, I have to leave at 6 (being that I can never seem to get my butt in the door before 9:25)... so.... I don’t want to do that.

I bought some. So did my boyfriend and his friend, who signed them over to me (being that I’m the only US citizen living in a place that doesn’t have crazy taxes of the three of us). If I won.... I would take the annuity. The first payout, I’d pay off student loans. Then I’d just hoard it for at least 6 months and not

I had my first experience with Planned Parenthood protesters today. Some people need better hobbies (and better brains, but not much you can do about that....)

That’s my goal, too. I’m in my 20s and on retin-a for acne, so I have this really nice smooth skin on half my face and then giant open wounds on the other half from where I sit there and just pick and can’t let the old acne holes heal up.

What if you got them from Chipotle, though? Might be some intestinal cleansing going on, then...