Why is a Shar Pei wearing a flack jacket?
Why is a Shar Pei wearing a flack jacket?
NVH is one of those things I haven’t learned the science of but is so influential to so many types of car experiences. Can we continue to get more interviews of other engineers for other departments? Picking these peoples brains is something I really enjoy reading about.
I think that free tampons/pads would be going a little far ...Everyone needs toilet paper, too, but I don’t see any movement to make that free.
This is Jezebel. Where’s the posts are made up and the facts don’t matter.
It’s fucked up that Justin Timberlake is headlining the Super Bowl halftime show after playing the active role in the Nipplegate scandal that effectively ended Janet Jackson’s commercial viability.
this way you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes
Depends on the crime, I suppose.
“holy shit it was a typo chill” is not an appropriate response level reply to a helpful correction. the poster did not berate you so your aggressive response is neither warranted nor professional. So maybe you should chill.
English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.
“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”
Serious question, did anybody in this “friend” group step up and say anything to Mr or soon to be Mrs Shitweasel when he was making shitty jokes or being a total fucking cock at this party? Because if not, you’re all shitty cowards and at least part of the blame for this is on you.
Honestly, it sounds like this…
Are you assuming it’s Brazilian based on the very sparse foliage?
Dude getting your tonsils out is a relatively easy surgery, but it is not minor pain. Its extremely painful. For cancer reasons, my father had his tonsils out, then later a liver surgery. His subjective experience was that liver surgery was far easier to recover from.
Traffic accidents kill tens of thousands of Americans each year, cause millions of injuries, many of which are severe and life-altering, as well as billions of dollars in property damage.
See, this was such an all-over-the-place blubber-a-thon that someone else had to link up the logic for me. If Rebel Girl’s gender (woman) and biological sex (male) are distinctly different (isn’t that what trans people want everyone to be accept - that GENDER comprises identity?) how in the Hell is penile…
As another trans woman who was circumcised at birth and not thrilled that it still goes on, you really need to cut this bullshit out. Even if you sincerely believe that a circumcision is comparable to a clitoredectomy (lol) I can guarantee you that all you’re doing right now is pissing off would-be allies and giving…