
I barely see a difference. Minimal game change to warrant the price tag. Hardly. Welcome to being suckered out of your money. Buying a game from 2 gens ago to play on a system that is now last gen. I wish I had thought of this business model. Disabling backwards compatibility was the smartest thing they ever did. Cut

Cliffy b left and they have nothing

He said you're welcome because he goes into detail on his pod cast and not here. We should thank him since he's already pretty full of himself that we didn't have to hear more out of him.

Dear cliffy b, your departure was supposed to solidify me never having to see a once great company make another shitty game like the gears series again. How silly of me to not realize you were all they had and are now struggling to make money.

I noticed Ted but the face is slightly irregular. Not in a bad way or anything. I would honestly believe that little girl was just really ugly. I'm going to have nightmares from it. Something about it strikes a weird nerve. Pretty awesome. Your shop skills are superb. I've enjoyed many of your past winners and almost

How well Bill's face fits this whole pic frightens me.

This was the first thing that came to my mind. Haha, Awesome!

This was a pretty shitty week. No offense to you that do this, but not a single laugh this time. Not your fault though, Owen for some reason believed this would work out.

I loved that comic. So cheesy.

I've grown so weary of this argument. You do understand that the core audience of any game wants one thing. The same game as before with improved graphics and previous glitches removed. Maybe smoother game play but if the mechanics are sound then only tweaks are needed. Of course, more content.

You mean like a watch that tells you that you're getting a voice call or a text?

Your comment is what I like to call stupidity.

One step closer to mind control...

*kinect required

This game will sell a lot of games but no one will still be playing after a month. Much like GTA V. Sadly that will satisfy investors and another sequel will be made to all.

You're an asshat for making it impossible to read the comments on my phone with your worthless comment.

I skipped this last gen in hopes it would also get released on this one. Glad I waited.

Am I the only person who expected to find a bunch of drag queen references?