
She is their mother. What is she supposed to say? “Nah, it’s a vapid profession and I’m so ashamed my children have followed in my footsteps.”? Come off it.

I am SO looking forward to this movie. Pacific Islander mythologies are very interesting and I love that they are being worked into a Disney movie. So many people will get introduced to these great stories and gods through it.

He’s got the eyebrows

A new Haim album would be the best news ever.

You are correct. It's also a feature of Southern and Mid-Atlantic accents. Most informal speech drops g and r and shortens syllables in some manner.

I’ve been on a Mindy Project kick lately so this is exciting news. Presumably that necklace is one of those kind that comes with it’s own security guards. I’m cool with it. I’d want to steal something like this, too.

Everything about this story makes me feel the need to take a long, very hot shower.

I don’t have an issue with singers not writing their songs. Songwriting is completely different from singing. I also expect some level of cleaning up to be done on any recording. However, the basic ability to actually sing should be a requirement. CGI does not impact an actor’s ability to act. In fact, I think it is

My not so little guy had to stay in the nursery for the first 12 hours because I was in bad shape. My husband was back and forth between us. He saw a nurse bringing in another baby and remarked how small it was. The nurse patted his arm and told him “No, dear, this is a newborn. You had a 3 month old.”

In a world where that’s all it takes for a sequel, it’s not a spectacular flop either. The world wide grosses matter. I’m not defending that shit pile of a movie, just saying the U.S. ticket sales are almost meaningless in the grand scheme.

My oldest was 10lbs even and 22.5" long. (My smallest was 9.4oz and 21.5" long. The third was in between). Trying to give birth to him was hell. About 55 hours of hell, actually, resulting in a c-section. I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE 4 MORE POUNDS. Omg. I...just...no.

It made more than $142 million dollars. When it comes to action movies, it doesn’t matter how the movie does in the U.S. anymore. It matters how it does in China.

Yeah I have a couple friends of Afghan descent, one of which still visits her grandparents there every year and her kids have traditional clothes and everything. They would be very taken aback to find out they aren’t white. They are Afghani-Americans, and they are white. IDK about Rumi and I doubt he was blue-eyed or

Total Eclipse is so fucking good. DiCaprio is a fantastic actor that spent about 10 years being typecast as Jack. I’m glad he found his way back to interesting roles.

I’m going to hope against hope that by “level of casting” they mean “level of fame” and not “these particular white actors”. I would find it extremely hard to believe that either of those actors that would take a role that portrays someone so racially different than themselves.

Really? Because I never, ever hear anything by her on the radio unless it’s from her first two albums. I know her Christmas album did well, but I don’t really count that. Stronger was played a lot when it came out, but I don’t remember the last time I heard it.

Because in the age when no one wants to buy music, the concerts are where the money is. And yes, pop has always had a manufactured element. That’s what makes it pop music. But the record industry has changed, radically, since the advent of digital music.

Oh sure, you can find all kinds of music, which is why I don’t complain about the radio. Most interesting music isn’t ON the radio. Being able to put out an album on iTunes for $10 is great, but it’s still not the same as selling out huge concerts and getting a lot of airplay. Those things DO still matter.

Even Whitney Houston if you want to include fluff :)