
I don’t care what people listen to, but on one level it does matter that it doesn’t really matter how well people sing anymore. All that matters is how they look, a la Britney and Katy and the like. This leaves out some really talented people who might have less sex appeal. Look at Kelly Clarkson’s career. That woman

I agree that pop is far too manufactured. It amazes me how shocked people are when they hear people sing live and it doesn’t sound like the radio. That used to not be *quite* so shocking. In fact, I was more shocked when it did sound like the radio. I gushed about seeing Tom Petty live for weeks because it sounded so

I’m going with the overdone heavy brow. It’s a tough call, but the heavy ones are more frightening.

For whatever reason it won’t let me reply to Sodburger, but omg that Buzzfeed link is hilarious. While I love the speech Beyonce made about her mom and grandma and I admire the love and effort that went into it, the Destiny’s Child look was so ridiculous. I thought so then and I still think so, but it IS fun to look

That’s a rather unflattering picture of Beyonce, but it’s a REALLY ugly hat. Yikes.

That is always what I think too. I can’t keep up with the hip lingo, heh.

No she’s probably three to three and a half. She is in a pull-up, not a regular diaper, and most 1 year olds can barely walk. No child that young has the coordination to do that.

If the answer to ending sexual assaults and improving the communication around consensual sex is to teach men/boys not to rape, well then duh, the articles concerning such things will be addressed to men. That is sort of the point, is it not?

Not all biracial kids look the same. That little girl isn’t necessarily NOT biracial, though why it matters at all is beyond me.

My youngest did this. He had night terrors later on, and even now at almost 8 has at least one nightmare a week. I think he has had vivid dreams since the beginning. He also talks in his sleep.

They are as old as Hollywood.

A dear friend’s little boy would NOT sleep as a baby. There were times he was literally awake for 24 hours at a time- as a 6 month old. It almost broke her. They were not opposed to CIO, he just never stopped crying. There wasn’t a point at which he’d exhaust himself to sleep. I watched him for her sometimes

I’m one of those “unemployed” donors. I’m a SAHM. Not sure why that’s particularly interesting.

I love Holly and Tracy and the podcast. They are fabulous, smart, and progressive women who do make a concerted effort to highlight traditionally underrepresented groups from history. If you like podcasts and history, I can’t recommend it enough. Stuff You Should Know and Stuff Mom Never Told You also are wonderful

Lip fillers are an abomination.

So is Jerry O’Connell admitting to be a shit dad then? Why is it he wouldn’t trust himself to “nanny” his children...but parenting them is NBD? Fucker.

That is a bizarre photo. His shorts should be burned.

I have loved Johnny Depp since 21 Jump Street. I haven’t even minded his weird later years too much because I figure at a certain point you have enough money to just do whatever and make movies with friends (I did really like Black Mass though). This? This is bad. This makes me rethink every naughty thought I’ve ever

She is really good in Shades of Blue. I wish she would just stick to acting.