
That’s hardly a “Hitler Youth” haircut. It’s faded on the sides, not undercut. It looks fine, though I miss the early 1D curls. He was a cutie.

Yes you can, especially if you were trying for a baby and carefully watching your ovulation. Plus some women are very sensitive. I knew I was pregnant at 4 weeks because my sense of smell went through the roof and every time I lied down the room would spin.

Ouch. I’m 99% certain she was quoting Baby Got Back and has no clue it could be seen as racist, but that doesn’t make it any less cringeworthy.

So, violence is not ok. It’s not, and I am not excusing that. However, there WERE issues in Nevada and people did have a right to be angry (note: angry not violent). I have a good friend that lives in NV and he detailed pretty clearly what went down. I’m paraphrasing him, but the chairperson (Lange) proposed a vote on

Yeah it’s one thing to think she seems more mature than the average 25 year old, but SO many people were making cracks like the Australian sun is brutal and that she looked so much older than they did at that age, etc. It was weird and shitty.

I am POSITIVE I saw things being written about exactly that. Lots and LOTS of things.

I cannot wait for this movie and 90% of it is because of her.

Their school calendar is different, their summer being our winter and all.

I thought it was very weird that people didn’t think she looked 25. What is 25 supposed to look like? People have such a skewed reference for age when looking at people. I’m almost 40, and myself and everyone else I know my age (provided they aren’t smokers or tanning addicts) are just now beginning to get wrinkles. I

I was meh about Spiderman going in to Civil War, but I did like the way they are going with his character. I’m far more excited for Dr. Strange and Black Panther, though.

I can only speak for young dancers, but my daughter wears a nude leo under her other costumes for comfort and easier costume changes backstage.

I’ve loved her since Kids. She is truly her own person and I always admire that in people.

The death penalty needs to go. Completely. No state by state bullshit, but full on ban. Hopefully this is one more thing that helps tip the scale in that direction.

I think Affleck was a far better Batman than anyone expected him to be (and far better than he was as Matt Murdock). The movie around him was meh, but I can get behind a Batfleck movie. Christian Bale will still be my favorite Batman (and Lynda Carter my favorite WW), but I think he succeeded.

I have decided she is a robot. She has not changed at all in the last 10 years (and that’s not really a good thing).

She looks like a 1970s Streisand. She should have just gone with that.

When I was in Basic Training, I literally dreamed of Taco Bell and Mt Dew. When my parents came for base lib day and took me to eat, I chose Taco Bell. They laughed, but it was the best damn Taco Bell ever.

Noooo it should give you hope! All of them have been SO MUCH BETTER the second time around

Black Panther was so bloody awesome in Civil War. I didn’t think I could get even more excited about his standalone movie, but whadda know, I could! YAY.