I loved the first season. Loved it. I stuck it out the second season hoping they’d find their way back to being about strong, talented women. Alas the beginning the third season showed that they were determined to be about those women’s shitty relationships and less about their talent and I gave up. I will always have…
Yep. Will watch.
She is such a terrible fucking person. Who gives a flying fuck if every so often she says something coherent? SHE IS AWFUL. Full stop.
Her fake lips are killing me.
Mmmmmmm I love Kind bars. The dark chocolate sea salt and blueberry vanilla cashew are SO GOOD. I have to stop myself from buying a box of them because I’ll just scarf them all down. It’s definitely a grab one when getting coffee kind of snack haha.
It’s not that she can make them do or not do anything, but it goes a long way to say “I don’t want you to do that on my behalf”. How many times has it been blasted all over Jezebel and elsewhere that Bernie Sanders wasn’t doing enough to condemn “Bernie Bros”? She has people being absolutely horrific in her name and…
I hate blatant product placement. I hate on TV shows when we have to have the close up of the iPhone or suddenly everyone has to get into their new Buick and check some directions on GPS. The only time it ever seems natural is with food/drinks or sometimes with cars like in The Transporter or F&F or whatever. But in…
I’m with you. I always thought she was pretty and talented, but the ferocity of her fan base is incredibly off-putting. The week after Lemonade came out I was ready to toss my laptop in a fire over the inability to escape Beyonce related things on any corner of the internet.
I don’t find hordes of abusive “superfans” relentlessly calling people thirsty hoes and more particularly comical or “slightly nasty” but I guess that’s just me.
I have always LOVED Hole and Courtney. I saw them in concert in 1998 (1999? Good lord I’m getting old and forgetting everything) and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. They really were amazing. I’d love to catch them live again, but I would settle for some new (or new to the public) material.
If she doesn’t have any tattoos, no one (no one who is halfway decent at least) will tattoo hands, neck or face. Those are extremely hard areas to get any artist to ink, and they usually only do it for people already covered elsewhere. I’m sure Bieber can get it by the power of celebrity.
I got a mug that says Angry Liberal Feminist Killjoy and an adult coloring book entitled Calm the Fuck Down, so I still think I win.
I think it’s the folk influence in both of them that attracts me. I like The Civil Wars for the same reason. Agreed on the Dixie Chicks’ harmonizing- it’s amazing.
Mine tries to jump in my lap. I love you, Junie, but that’s a bridge too far.
I kind of feel like we already achieved peak pretentious sex advice with Sting and Trudie.
No it was Gina! (that was Hope’s alter ego, right? I didn’t just hallucinate that?)
Oh I ADORE Mary Chapin Carpenter. He Thinks He’ll Keep Her and Down at the Twist and Shout are two of my all time favorite songs. I don’t care much for country music, but I will ALWAYS make an exception for her and for The Dixie Chicks. Just a fabulous songwriter.
No, it’s a super fun album.
“She also hauled in $7.2 million in album sales, probably with no small amount of help from Ryan Adams”