
Samantha Ronson gets me.


I think starting out life with a blanket constantly over your head, not to mention that blanket became your name because it is so ubiquitous, has to affect you somehow. I wish he’d be left alone, too.

Exactly. I think people look back and just remember her shaving her head and swinging an umbrella around. No, she clearly went through something very serious that put her life and the lives of her sons at risk at one point. We don’t need to know the exact nature of her mental health to know that it is likely fragile.

I’ve seen some of the clothes she wears. She is definitely making some of her own choices.

I’ve always suspected she was doing so much better because of the conservatorship. People like to toss around “mental breakdown” and “crazy” and what have you with celebrities who seem to go off the rails, but it seems pretty clear that Spears had some serious, serious mental health issues. If having other people take

I round up but only when I’m about a month out. If I start rounding up any earlier I’m likely to round up again because I’ve completely forgotten my actual age.

I can totally see Paris doing that.

When only the “standard bearers” of the two parties are the viable candidates for the general election, then yeah, party bosses fit and independents and Libertarians and Progressives (hey, that’s me!) have a right to be pissed over not having any sort of say. The two party system is broken and corrupt and I loathe it.

Hillary is a terrible candidate. She does great once she is in a position, but campaigning to get there is never good for her. She was expected to be the cakewalk candidate in 2008, too. The mistakes she makes (CPT anyone? Kissinger thinks I’m awesome! I dodged sniper fire in Bosnia!) are stupid. I really wonder about

Saying we will have gridlock is not a reflection on her ability to work across the aisle, though she does refer to the Republican party as “the enemy” but I assume she will tone that down in the general. I’m saying, as every Hillary supporter under the sun says in defense of her, she has 25+ years of the Republican

Do you not see the difference between voting for the head of the Girl Scouts and voting for the President of the United States? Don’t give me any BS that it is only the primary. Third parties DO NOT HAVE A CHANCE. Not in our system. I switched to Dem so I could vote for Sanders, but I do not identify as a Democrat. I

I’ve accepted my candidate won’t be THE candidate, but if his campaign accomplished anything, I hope that it is returning the liberal party back to progressivism and away from Third Way politics.

Because 538 gave her a 90% chance of winning and everyone knows 538 is the modern oracle of Delphi.

Oh my god this. This is my fear. She is undeniably capable, intelligent, and experienced. She is also disliked, distrusted, and constantly surrounded by an aura of scandal (whether it’s her fault or not). I cannot think of a more polarizing candidate; I doubt even disgusting pig-human Trump is more polarizing. We

While it IS the way the system is set up, that doesn’t mean it isn’t disenfranchisement. Why should two closed parties get to decide who everyone gets to vote for? Be honest, if you don’t run for POTUS under one of those two parties you legitimately have no chance at all. Period. The Republican and Democrat parties

Alaska, Hawaii, Oklahoma

I’m thinking wet-suit and the thought isn’t pleasant.

Not feeling it. Looks weirdly like gum when stretched out to blow a bubble to me.