It’s a real life Cinderella dress and I’m in awe.
It’s a real life Cinderella dress and I’m in awe.
It has fiber optic flower things on it I believe.
I don’t like the ruffles, they seem out of place, but I’m down with the rest of it.
Mules are awesome when you have wide toes and a narrow heel like me, tho.
Did she do something different with her makeup? Her face
Katy Perry looks RIDICULOUS. So does Madonna.
I do believe my dancer and Barbie fan needs one of these. It’s totally not because I want to have one, it’s completely that I want to get it for her.
It almost certainly a rip-off of the graffiti artist, but it is definitely ugly as fuck.
Yep. Black iced tea, no water, 2 equal. PERFECTION.
The body wants to stay at the weight it’s at. That is a big reason why it is hard to lose weight, even the “right” way. It is no surprise that the ridiculous punishment they put those people through has lasting, negative effects. This show should not be on TV. Oh it burns me up.
While I despise the word “rapey”, it is certainly violating to have someone shove a camera in your face and say you somehow owe them because they “paid for you”. Not only is it violating, it’s twisted and creepy as fuck.
I have a feeling that’s the description of her that’s been given for why she isn’t getting the part.
As a Jennifer, I’m there with ya :)
Only if this was the 1980s
Bless u
They will find a way? To what, disappoint me yet again in the 2nd round? Give it time. Meanwhile, that was a goal.
Fuck YES.
When I used to get Parents I remember them having regular features for or written by dads, but the covers were almost always just babies. It’s very nice to see.
I’ll never understand how one shoe can be upstairs and the other downstairs.