
Any new flagship Android phone being released without Jelly Bean should automatically be disqualified from consideration.

Harmony remote and Bodum links are both tracking back to today's dealzmodo post.

Don't you feel like an idiot after you read the entire article, digested it, then set out to write a report on how dumb it was...and then saw the explicit warning on the bottom of the page saying that it's a satire? No? Well you should.

Scroll to the bottom.

God rest his dorky soul.

The big deal is that gizmodo really wants to suck on the Apple teat again.


Well, they are charging him for shit he did when he was in his late teens (Kazaa was popular during, what? 2002? 2003?).

From what I know, since it's a judgement it'll stay against his name. He's basically on the hook for $675k the rest of his life.

Uh, 10mbps average? Speedtest screenshots please. The best I've gotten within the 5 boroughs with hsdpa "4G" was probably 8ish out in northern Queens. I think I've gotten close to that in Central Park south a few times a year and a half ago. Otherwise I think 2up/1.5down is the norm around Manhattan.

You look quite thrilled. Quite.

They touched on it in the video section. Maybe since it's Pentax's calling card they overlooked it as being too obvious of a bullet point?

Correct. Reference point: Down at the Dinghy by J.D. Salinger, one of the short stories in Nine Stories.

Is it primarily our (video game weened) generation that that doesn't have the patience to work through seemingly impossible problems and proclaims "FUCK IT ALL, LET'S START OVER"?

Now playing

It's alright Sam, you're just having a Maguire moment.

I vote stupidity.

A kid in my neighborhood bought one with stolen money (asshole) and used to keep it with me some nights. Thing was boss.


Yup, I'm a hold out (only because I'm not that invested in FB) and the force change message was on top of the screen last night. Whatever, looks fine, and as far as I can tell the privacy permissions are the same in either format (only friends can view, etc.).
