HI Ed McDunnough Jr

This was a big moment for her. She finally made a decision herself (although she did consult Jon) and it looks to have crippled the Lannister army. She did something unpredictable, but defensible, in attacking the forces that just took Highgarden. And she also gave people a story that will strike fear into her

There are graboids from TREMORS on Jakku!

Ian’s Richard III the best ever.

I’d like to buy a T to solve the puzzle

They hitch a ride on Arya

What do they eat while flying across the seas? Do they dive for fish?

Season 7 premier:

“Nobody tell them the dragons drowned.”

Me three!

I had the same thought!

Hands down THE best score this show (or any show for that matter) has ever mustered. The first 20 minutes were like a god damned silent movie, with that perfect piano/cello score.

Purina announces new spokesman:

Let’s be honest, Nickelodeon would do a better job with it even if they brought back Ren and Stimpy to host. What a complete and utter botch job.

Not only did Fox cut coverage, they have nothing other than FS2 covering the finish, which I don’t get. It’s not on Fox Sport Go either. WTF. I guess next year I just pay the $11 or whatever it was. I was expecting to be able to watch it on FS Go this year.


Two Starks in the same room... TWO STARKS IN THE SAME ROOM!


I use some of his comics on my weekly assignment sheets. I just used that one last week! I also use Foxtrot and Calvin and Hobbes quite often as well.

And math is just applied Philosophy Boom!
