Dr. Jacoby

Roanoke wasn't on the level of Asylum, but it was really enjoyable and never really went off the rails! (Well, maybe in the very last episode). Definitely worth watching if you liked the first couple of seasons.

Only the Elektra resurrection in the opening of this episode is a flashback, at the start of the episode it also says "Three Months Before", or however long ago it was. We already saw The Hand put her in that casket thing at the end of Daredevil S2. The scene with Alexandra and Elektra in Episode 1 was after she had

Yeah it was so weird that he somehow turned up there before Matt and Jessica? And did not seem remotely surprised to find Danny there. He should have just turned up around the same time as Matt and Jessica, seen her, and then joined her and Matt when Matt heard what was going on upstairs.

There are a lot of people in this show who have zero acting credits beforehand. Lynch has a tendency to just see people on the street and offer them roles, or look through random headshots to find the right person for a role. I know the guy who plays Freddie was known for a Youtube video.

Dear God, why.

I mean, they were chanting Nazi slogans though, and Nazi ideology seems to be strangely more tolerated in this country (where Man in the High Castle is set) than in Europe. That situation is also relevant to the current political discussion.

It's kind of weird to me that there's so much hate for this show, yet I never heard any real fuss or controversy over The Man in the High Castle, a show that's been on the air for two years now, and is pretty much a Nazi twist on the same idea. Maybe because the "What if Nazis won WWII?" idea is even more saturated in

True, and it might feel a bit redundant of Mulholland Dr. and Inland Empire. But given Lynch's past work I feel like he could find an original, ambiguous twist on this idea that would leave us satisfied and debating it for years (if that's the direction he chooses to go in here.)

This is a David Lynch series, I don't think we're likely to get much in the way of direct answers regardless of whether the whole thing is a dream or not. I'm just looking for an emotionally satisfying conclusion, I really don't think wanting straightforward answers at the end of all this is the right approach to the

But that seems to have been disproven here? We now know for sure that Billy and Tina are real people, and that Audrey's dream is something that actually happened in real life.

It was made pretty clear that that was the case in FWWM.

Yeah I think whatever's inside Sarah has been inside her all along: she seems like someone who's lived with this for a long time and has learned how to cope with it, at least more or less. And her behavior has been pretty consistent throughout this series, it's not like we saw her acting radically different before BOB

It wasn't in black and white in the South Dakota scene either.

Showtime did make sure to get the streaming rights in the US, and it was also release on Bluray packaged together with the series. But it's just a confusing situation, especially when people hear it's a prequel, but they shouldn't watch before the original series. A lot of people just assume it's unimportant since it

We didn't get a Linda here did we?

And it's actually still the only original scene featuring Sheryl Lee in the series.

Yes, I definitely think all that stuff relates to the ring. There's also a motif where people's arms go numb after they've been wearing the ring or been exposed to it: we saw it with Teresa, Laura, and the real Dougie. I'm definitely curious as to what role the ring will play in the final episodes.

I think it had to be intentionally inauthentic. Especially with some of his ridiculous cutesy English phrases that were thrown into the monologue. It's like how someone who's never met a British person before perceives them.

It was a human hand with a strangely elongated, animal-like ring finger.

Yeah I think there was some frame skipping, and also some slowed down movements as well? It was a really neat and subtle effect. Almost seemed like something was going wrong with the stream, which may have been intentional as Lynch surely knew that many would be watching online in some form.