Joseph Kaye

Couch co-op is a good way to describe it. My daughter even had fun with some of the easier puzzles, and it was cool to have a video game turn into more-or-less a family thing. Agree about the explaining as a puzzle-solving approach - once I tried explaining a puzzle I couldn't solve, and then there it was ….

I'm going back to The Witness, which I bought last week. Such a great game, and it has the added bonus of being something my wife likes, as well.

Music is spot on tho.

Never really saw JAMC as shoegaze. Maybe "Just Like Honey," but nearly everything else is something different, iirc.

Geez. I really liked that Charly Bliss single. I liked it back in the 90s, too. For me, it's got a Letters to Cleo vibe more than anything else (other than maybe Belly).

I agree completely - I have Amazon Prime, Netflix, and HBO. Can't justify any more.

I haven't read the book, but I read the excerpt published in Vanity Fair last week (I think it was VF), and I really liked it. I mean, it wasn't super-literary or anything like that, but I really enjoy reading that sort of insider-baseball show business stuff, and his voice really came through. Would I enjoy a whole

Ah - I get it. I think you explained it right the first time. I just substituted Spain for European (not differentiating between Spain & Portugal, prolly).

That makes more sense, and, like I said, I like the idea of the word (and its usage, too - not trying to be all semantic about it). I was responding to (I think) the original poster, who said that the word Hispanic only referred to persons with European ancestry.

This seems to have gotten a pretty mixed reaction - I really liked it. Technically impressive, if nothing else.

Yeah, politics aside, Ted "Chicken" Nugget is just an average musician who plays awful music.

Remember last season where someone had a line explaining that the aliens experience time differently than us? Anything ever come of that? I'm guessing it was just a clue that the aliens are -really- far away from Earth.

I didn't think it was an execution, per se - it seems like maybe they had a bad feeling about what was happening, tried to leave, were marched off and then things got out of hand.

Aside from Ted Nugget, there's not a bad one on the shirt. My auto-correct just changed him from Nugent to Nugget, and I'm leaving it that way.

I gotta think, then, that there are relatively few Latinx, given colonialism. I like the concept, though.

I loved Wonderfalls when it first aired. Haven't seen it in forever and am curious to see if it holds up.

I agree that those two had worse endings, but they were also worse books. It was just incredible up until the ending - Under the Dome was really good up until the ending, and the Tommyknockers was just fun up until the ending.

Absolutely - the first 80% was epic - then, eh? A lot of King's work is like that, for me, at least. I still love him, and when he nails an ending, he really nails it. But there's a lot of times where he just doesn't hit the ending right, and It is probably the best example of that.

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I've really liked Iron Fist so far (only two episodes in). I guess the aesthetics of the other three shows is better, but only Jessica Jones has had the "I want to see what happens next" factor for me, and that was really based on the strength of Krysten Ritter's performance.

The Idiot, huh? A little early for Trump's memoirs.