Joseph Kaye

I love beer, and I drink a decent amount of craft beer, but I've never, ever acquired the taste for IPAs. At all. All sorts of other beer, sure - but IPAs always taste like someone's trying to gag me with a Christmas tree. The headaches are intense, too. Anyone else like this?

Or a Moleskine.

The mall people aren't acting like people would act, at all. Like, none of them. From immediately accepting the mist as a supernatural thing, to a lottery to send a mother (whose daughter is right there) to go get a radio out of the deathsmoke, to the mom actually leaving her daughter with her rapist while she goes on

I really liked the show, but that line was just awful. They showed it again in the recap at the beginning of episode 2, and it was even worse hearing it again.

Yeah, I actually get that. I mean, it makes sense in that tv is better now (at least the breadth and variety of it) than it's ever been. I just never thought of it that way - I thought the guy was talking about 40, 50 years ago. I always agreed with his sentiment, but now I think it's pretty spot on literally, too.

Ohh - I though he meant, like, the 70s or something. I was talking about the "Golden Age," which I assumed was in the past. When is the Golden Age of television? I looked it up and one place said the 50s, another said the 00s. Honestly - I thought 70s.

I agree with your sentiment, but I'm drawing a blank on endless unlikable male main characters. Archie Bunker, George Jefferson, maybe Lou Grant? What are the ones I'm missing?

Ha - as I was typing my post, I thought, "There's probably some Tommyknockers fans out there, right?" I've honestly had a good time with nearly all of King's books, and I've never abandoned one mid-read or anything. I was really just saying that The Shining is likely to show up on required reading lists (academically

I think that's it. I mean, it's hard to look at the Shining and not admire it, just as it's hard to look at the Tommyknockers and not immediately point out its faults. I remember a time where it seems like he had several books coming out per year. When he's "on," he's really great. When he's not, he's merely good to

This was kind of exactly what I was looking for. I'm not sold on the apparent shift regarding the cause of the mist, but I thought the pilot was overall pretty well done. The kid that played the daughter (Gus Birney, I guess) really did well, too - her reactions and expressions seemed natural and unforced.

Kill yr idols.

I'll mirror what a lot of people are surely saying here - I loved the show, but, wow, did they screw up some details. Still love the show, but it's frustrating - it seems like much of what bothers me about the show could have been easily addressed.

Alyson Hannigan is always great in everything and seems like a nice, smart person to boot. I mean "to boot" as in "additionally," not that she should be booted.

This is a longstanding complaint of mine. I think a staff member answered it once in a way that made sense, but I've since forgotten it.

Yeah, I remember seeing this so many times in the theater. it was really sort of a transformative experience, seeing it over and over again. I remember getting an 8-track tape of what was essentially a retelling of the film, complete with dialogue, and I listened to that daily for weeks.

I remember my dad saying that he was going to take me to see it - I was in second grade. My mom said she didn't want me going because she had heard there was a twenty minute dogfight in the film. My dad explained that this was an aerial battle, and she relented. I remember seeing the film and wondering why, if they

This is awful - sorry to hear.

Yeah, I watched Suicide Squad on HBO Go, and I thought it was OK, but that's only after hearing for a year about how awful it was. The movie was … OK. There were a bunch of cool parts, but all the cool parts together didn't really add up to a cool movie. It just seemed like someone threw a whole much of scenes

Yeah, can't argue with that assessment.

The guy might be going a little overboard, but I can't stand people who text during films. And the "my best friend is going through a hard time" excuse is my least favorite.