Joseph Kaye

"I want to live," off of Filigree & Shadow by This Mortal Coil.

I lived in Portland for a few years and was told that the reason we had full-serve stations is because the workers there were trained and thus didn't spill gas or anything, which would contaminate the soil over time. That never really rung true for me, but it's weird to see all the reasons people believe some place

I had a similar experience, but, years after it began, I watched season 4 (which is sorta maligned, if I remember), and I loved it - got hooked quickly. I think the appeal of Buffy was in its depth and context, and you really don't see that until the 'world' had time to build some context.

Three great sentences and then that last one. Still an upvote tho.

Dishing it out? Oh, sure. Taking it? Hides in room.

Judging from the comments here, I'm clearly in the minority, but I think this is kinda cool.

That's exactly what got Milo in trouble.

I think the first album is the better of the two. I like Under the God, Heaven's in Here, & Baby Universal quite a bit. It's hard to get a sense of the band, really - maybe they're better enjoyed retrospectively? I'd also be interested in knowing what I thought of them if I could somehow not know that Bowie fronted.

I re-visited Tin Machine a few years ago and found it to be pretty good - much better than when I first listened to it. I know it's a cliche, but Bowie was just ahead of his time.

I'm still waiting for a Ta-Nehisi Coates-penned Black Panther / Agent 44 crossover in which Agent 44 takes down his out-of-control and corrupt successor, 45.

I judge this all to be a fairly reasonable and civilized exchange.

I finally got around to reading this, and I really liked it. Sure, it had some problems, but they were the kind of problems that are sort of fun to argue about. Quick, fun read.

Toss in zombies & you have Yacht Z, with tie-in potential.

I really love Murakami. Try Kafka on the Shore or A Wild Sheep Chase.

I hadn't hear much criticism, though to be fair I haven't been reading a lot about the show. I really like all of the performance, though his is the clear highlight for me.

I wound up watching the whole series last night - pretty strong all the way through, though I preferred the early episodes to the later ones. So much of the fun, at first, was seeing the shock, and the shock sort of ebbs towards the middle-end of the season one.

Yeah - the title doesn't rally sell the show.

I loved these, but the girl's deadpan reminded me of the character I'm not so crazy about on Z Nation.

Just got around to watching this, saw the first 2 episodes last night & rewatched them with my wife this morning. I thought the nailed the vomit volume. The amount of it is what made it funny. had it just been that one initial burst of vomit, which was quite a bit of vomit, it woulda been mildly finny, but the

"One candidate was clearly better" ain't the same thing as "both side are good," but sure. Thanks for the burtherfuhrer, I guess.