Joseph Kaye

Just like to give a big shoutout to all the "both sides are equally bad" folks, including the Johnson and Stein voters. Thanks, guys!

The ACLU has become both my senator & congressman.

Has the birtherfuhrer seen this? Does he realize his money will also likely be destroyed?

Yeah, I agree. I certainly wasn't cheering on this fact.

I don't think they will. About 15-20% of men aged 20-40 are more or less functionally unemployable. Companies don't want to hire them because they can't speak a sentence without cursing, feel that they have the right to share their opinion ad nauseam and without consequence, believe they should be put in charge of

I'da upvoted this anyway, but the tiny hands reference really brought this one home. Well done.

Trump's sons are certainly idiots, but the notion that Trump himself isn't also an idiot is where this analogy breaks down.

In my teenaged mind, it was Iron Maiden's "Somewhere in Time" and Judas Priest's "Turbo."

I prefer the ambient stuff, but his pop music is amazing, too. I think, I'm guessing, that Eno probably feels there's more uncharted territory in ambient music. Pop music might feel a little closed in?

I bought the Bloom and Trope apps a while back, and Bloom is really incredible. There was a period of time in which I listened to it every night, just tapping a few spots on the screen and letting the app generate the rest of the music. I love all of Eno's stuff, though I separate his pop music from his ambient music

Glass? Really? This seems like a "you had one job" thing.

Any space between Conway and a television camera has to be absolutely fraught with peril. She seeks them out & charges.

Then then would probably mean someone else has already said it.

How was Firewatch? I'm interested in it, but haven't pulled the trigger. Is it like Virginia (if you played that)?

Ugh, if that's the case, I've not yet gotten to that part (and it'll likely be a game I start & then just don't finish). I've played the first two "chapters," and so far it's just dumb fun. I really liked No More Heroes on the Wii, and I don't remember that being egregiously bad (though that was years ago).

I found (at least) one great game on the xBox online sales rack. Catherine is $3 and Killer is Dead is 4. I had played Catherine on the PS3 and really, really liked it. Kind of an oddball game, but just (at the time) really new and refreshing. Killer is Dead is by the people who made No More Heroes, and it's

I've been following the live action version of this on CNN.

Incidentally - terriers? His favorite breed.

Seems more like a grabber. You know, like how he's been filmed bragging about horrific sexual assaults that he's committed.

Some of this seems more like a exercise in semantics. I agree that no one should be harassed or anything - that seems like a point upon which all good people agree. And I agree that there's a difference between Celebrity X, who affirmatively chooses to perform, and non-celebrity Y, who is part of a group that has been