Joseph Kaye

Respectfully, no freaking way. You don't get to support Trump and then ask not to be judged for it. No one gets to say, "I'm taking away your healthcare" or "say goodbye to mom, kid" and then expect that they get to live in their judgement-free special-snowflake safe space. No one should receive hate mail, threats,

Asylum is the only season I watched all the way through. I thought they coulda cut a few episodes & tightened up the pacing, but I really enjoyed it. It was audacious, in a good way. All the other seasons have just sorta lost me.

I really liked Jessica Jones, but it was a bit heavy. Not in a bad way, but in a way that really limits its appeal. That Ritter can play comedy and drama equally well is something that speaks really well of her acting skills.

I read Dune earlier this year. I remember having the book as a child and never really getting through it. I saw the Lynch film and enjoyed it and finally got around to reading the novel this year. I had remembered it being this impenetrable text, but I don't know what I was thinking. It's certainly no tougher than

I'm finally reading the Name of the Wind, and it's as good as I had hoped. If I were to nitpick, as I'm won't to do, on occasion, the grammar can just enough off so as to be jarring.

Wasn't a huge fan, but Freedom '90 was -it- for about three months. He had a half-dozen near perfect pop hits, and that's a pretty amazing legacy.

If -this- is what disappoints you about the Trump election, then I'm guessing we don't share much common ground. At all.

I do not feel bad for these people.

This is the silver lining for me, too. I estimate about a full one third of Kentucky literally voted to shorten their own lives simply to allow some hateful city clerk to slack off and not do her job because she hates gay people.

The only game that really excited me this year was Virginia. Nothing too earth-shattering, but that music & the aesthetic were really amazing. In that way, it was my this year's Hohokum.

I thought they arrested that PharmaBro guy. No?

Please no.

Yeah, I guess. I mean, I know it's physically possible, but Addy had been pretty wrecked over the last episode or so, and she wasn't really wearing what I would imagine the proper gear to be. I liked her transformation into a physical threat, but I just didn't buy the mountain climbing thing. It felt gratuitous, too.

I'm guessing two will be beamed up & bird-kid will somehow hang glide with those wings and save the 4th.

Addy climbing the mountain was kind of a killer for me, too. I mean, it's not like a expect realism out of the show, but I usually like things either plausible or a little over the topic. This sort of seemed like they were going for plausible but accidentally winding up with over the top. The grandpa thing just came

This is all pretty funny right now, but he takes office fairly soon.

I have to say, I'm fascinated by "old Hollywood," particularly the people that lived on its periphery. I eat this kind of stuff up. Have no idea why.

Great track. Oddly, i remember where I was when I first heard this, too. I was driving on I4, from Orlando to Ft. Myers. I remember thinking - "wow, they're still around?" and absolutely loving the song. Is their later stuff generally good? That first album of theirs was incredible.

I remember so clearly the first time I heard Wonderwall. I was in Las Vegas. The DJ had just played Bullet with Butterfly Wings and then played Wonderwall. It was the first time I heard either song - must have been when they were released in October of 1995. Wonderwall hit me immediately as a classic - a song I'd

I thought that this and its follow-up, Zooropa, were both incredible. Achtung Baby came out pre-Internet, for me - I was on BBSs, but that's about it, and I didn't have a television or anything, so I was pretty unaware what the media considered pop culture. When I first heard "The Fly," I thought it was a (great) new