Joseph Kaye

I was vegan (since gone vegetarian) while living in Flagstaff, AZ, which is about 7500 feet above sea level - never really noticed any problems.

I have tickets to the Royal Oak show and have had pretty good luck with Morrissey shows (four successful, one cancellation). Hope my good luck continues!

All good thinking people have an obligation to fight this in any way they can.

Don't do this to me 2016. Don't make promises you have no intention of keeping.

Yeah, it's quirky-funny. Not sure about the reviews - most people around here seem not to enjoy it, mostly because it's not really faithful to the book. I'm treating the book & the show as two separate things, so it's not bothering me that much. And I read the book years and years ago, so I've really forgotten most of

Yes, though not in the aliens & laser guns sense. Kind of X-Files-y or Orphan Black s. 1, maybe? It's a tough one to classify, though there are definitely sci-fi undertones several episodes in.

I started watching "People of Earth," and it's as good as people said - really quirky, off-beat comedy. I've kept up with Dirk Gently, and I'm still not sure what to make of it (but it keeps me coming back). I listened to a few Dead Can dance albums that I hadn't listened to for a while, and that was nice.

I haven't watched the news or visited any of the sites I visited religiously in the weeks running up to the election. I'm too sick to my stomach to even bother .That being said, I kept my NYT subscription, even though the home delivery goes straight in the recycling and I've deleted the app on my phone (for

Exactly. Everything about iZombie - including its dated iTitle - should've been stupid, but the show is so good.

Yeah, love RHP, but this prolly ain't the time.

The Future was the first "new" album by Cohen that I had bought. I bought a bunch his old stuff after hearing him, but I bought the Future the day it came out - such a great disc. "Waiting for the miracle" always gives me chills.

I was first introduced to his music via "everybody knows" from "pump up the volume," of all places. The whole "i'm your man" album is solid gold all the way through. Godspeed, Leonard. What the hell, 2016?

I remember seeing the movie when it came out in American art-house theaters and really being blown away by the whole thing. I remember thinking, "so this is what they mean when they say animation is a respected and adult art form over in japan."

My first favorite non-mass marketed (at the time) beer was Widmer's hefeweizen, which is still a really nice beer.

Whenever I'm flipping channels, and I see Die Hard is on, I stop right there. For me, it's a nearly perfect movie of its day. Oddly dated and timeless simultaneously.

Rye & swiss, with brown mustard.

Pretty sure it was heavily implied they were vampires. Garlic (or some element of garlic) is even mentioned as an irritant - sunlight, etc. All the vampire traits are there, and very few classic zombie traits are there. Regardless, I agree with your assessment of the book - really good, really scary.

The first third of The Passage was incredible, and the last 2/3rds was awesome. The Twelve was so-so, which led to me not having read City of Mirrors yet.

I watched Deadpool, which I really enjoyed. I'm a comic fan, but a casual one, and I don't really know much about Deadpool, but the movie did a lot of things right, and, like Guardians of the Galaxy, it was a really "fun" movie. It's a tough balancing act to make a comic book movie both "comic" and "cinematic," but

Brand New Lover is an epic track and should've been more popular than the You Spin Me one.