Joseph Kaye

100% on "The Ballad of El Goodo."

100% on "The Ballad of El Goodo."

100% on "The Ballad of El Goodo."

100% on "The Ballad of El Goodo."

Maybe I respect her integrity or whatever, but this just seems like a bad career move.

Soundtrack is awesome. Brings a great deal to the show without being a distraction.

Never saw him in the Good Wife, but he's solid in Cage.

First two episodes of Luke Cage (excellent), finished Virginia video game (oddly excellent), watched Dwarvenaut (sadly good), and listened to a lot of the Decembrists old stuff (really nice).

Yeah - that makes sense. I generally don't binge watch, per se. I usually watch 2 or 3 episodes in a row and then pick it up again in a day or two, but I see your point. I also think that you're right about the monster-of-the-week episodes. Plenty of shows have really perfected that blend of one-off/ongoing mythology,

I wanted to like JJ and DD more than I did. I though Krysten Ritter was a great lead, and I liked most everything they were doing with the series, but for some reason it just sort of lost me mid-season, only to pick up well near the end. Same with Daredevil, though I agree that the Punisher stuff was strong all the

I finished up the video game Virginia, which is excellent (though not a traditional game). I may try to play through again tonight (it's only a couple hours long). If you like David Lynch or the X-Files (though light on the supernatural), you should like this. I also watched the first episode of Luke Cage (very good -

Based on first episodes alone, this was the best of the three Netflix Marvel shows. I found the whole world pretty interesting and the acting uniformly competent. Personally, I'm loving the aesthetic, particularly the music, which also makes me curious as to how it will be received by Black critics.

It's funny - I had a DS and owned about a dozen games - Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory were two of them. I really liked both (though Trace Memory seemed like a demo game for the DS's capabilities), but I didn't finish either. That Hotel Dusk game was beautiful, but just got sort of repetitive and brining halfway through.

Tones on Tail never gets the love I think they deserve. And T. Rex, though undeniably awesome at times, is a bit over-respected. Talking Heads, I think, is just the right amount respected.

I watched the original "Stake Land" on Netflix a few weeks ago. It was actually pretty good.

I only watched the first half-dozen episodes of Mr. Robot (I'll plan on finishing it up - I liked the show), but from what I remember, the show did a good job in the sense that there were different types on there, but Z Nation does a good job specifically with having a black female lead (she's been the lead in an

Really? I can't read on an iPad or computer, but the Kindle (the straight-up Kindles, not the multimedia Fire, is really easy on the eyes. I still read real books, but the Kindle is my preference.

Mu unabashed recommendation this week is the new $10 Xbox One game "Virginia." It's really awesome. I'd like to be able to tell people to avoid reading anything about it before playing it, but you should at least know that it's not so much of a game as it is a guided experience or whatever. But, wow - it's really

Oh yeah - that's true. I had forgotten about that.

Homemade French bread pizza is awesome, and so is Stouffer's, but they're two different things.