Joseph Kaye

Stouffer's routinely killed the roof of my mouth throughout the entirety of middle school and halfway through high school. Years later, I figured I could just make it and wait it out with my newly-found adult patience, but no dice. I think the cheese layer is structurally designed to keep pockets of incredibly high

My wife swears Home Run is the only frozen pizza that she likes. I don't mind it, but find it a bit heavy.

That's it completely. Frozen pizza and pizza are two different things, and there are good and bad variants of each.

I really didn't like the 10k bite, for kinda the reasons you outlined. I think, tho, that with the focus on finding a cure, 10k will be one of the first to receive it.

This show could be an entry-level seminar in how to build a diverse cast. I can't think of too many other shows that have all sorts of folks represented.

Our local library does the books on Kindle thing, and it's incredible. Plenty of books, lots of brand new titles, and the automatic returns are clutch. The waiting list can get pretty long for new titles, but there's plenty to read while waiting in line.

Same here. I liked the show, liked the cast, liked the writing - just got kinda sick of it, which, admittedly, doesn't make much sense.

Nope. None more pretty.

Lots of good stuff here, but I'm gonna chime in to say I'da kept Spain. That disc is perfect, through and through, for some days.

Yeah, maybe I didn't read you quite right, but I still disagree. I do agree that it doesn't really matter who's president in the executive office-sense. But that person brings in a whole machinery, and the machinery of the govt gets filled with that person's people. And judges, and regulators, and departments, and

Played Assassin's Creed Chronicles" China for about ten minutes because it was a free game on xBox Gold. Really much more disappointing than I had even imagined. And I had set a fairly low bar. I also replayed Mirror's Edge for a bit (also free on Gold). I really liked that game when it came out. It holds up well,

Well, I sympathize with that sentiment, but it doesn't change the facts or anything. It's like saying I'm against the idea of pollution - it's still gonna be there, regardless of my personal feelings for or against it. We have a binary choice to make in November, and any action a person makes or doesn't make

Is it really growing? Over the past few decades, from my estimation, he's always garnered a certain level of interest. Not much, but always sort of there.

I'm going to agree with something I read elsewhere recently (I think it was Slate) - I'm not allowing for any neutrality when it comes to this election. You're either for or against something this time, and "playing nice" is in the "for" pile. Or basket, if you will.

I really like Down By Law - it's probably my favorite of his films. Agree with you, too, over how much I actually "like" the stuff, but I really appreciate the vision.

I watch this show pretty regularly, despite its many faults. It's good, disposable fun.

Most decent folks look down upon Trump. He's smug, uninformed, racist, misogynist, boorish, dishonest, hypocritical, and plenty of other things that decent folk abhor. And people who vote for racists because they don't like it when people call out racism when they see it? I don't know what to say about them, really.

I'll agree with the people below, uncluttered or not, who say to put in on anything. My wife calls it "Indian ranch." I use it as a dip for naan and samosas, mostly.

I first tried a pasta with breadcrumbs recipe from http://smittenkitchen.com, which is a great website. I don't go there much anymore (not sure why), but at least three of her recipes have made it into heavy rotation in my kitchen. It's a great website and (it used to be, at least) it's geared towards small kitchens

I first tried a pasta with breadcrumbs recipe from http://smittenkitchen.com, which is a great website. I don't go there much anymore (not sure why), but at least three of her recipes have made it into heavy rotation in my kitchen. It's a great website and (it used to be, at least) it's geared towards small kitchens