Joseph Kaye

I watched it with both the volume up and the closed captioning on, and the subtitles or whatever for the little girl were hilarious. I'm not sure I would have sound her funny otherwise. There was that one scene at dinner and she was just like "sigh."

I watched the first three episodes last night and really loved them. Like Amazon's Red Oaks, it really 'feels' like an 80's production. The key in Stranger Things is the music - it's spot on.

I read the wiki page - the film's even got a character named Abby.

Guy on the left looks like 90s era Nicky Wire, tho. At least he's got that going for him.

Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know about the ethos. I guess I confuse "punk" with "DIY" or "Indie," or maybe I treat them interchangeably. All I'm saying is that Blink 182 seems packaged and corporate, which I don't like. I'm not saying that they really are packaged and corporate, but that's the completely

I always feel bad knocking bands like Blink 182 because it feels like both a jerky-hipster thing to do and also like shooting fish in a barrel. I guess it's stupid to care how they're labelled, but they can be, at times, a great pop band. Punk, though? I just don't get it.

I had forgotten all about them, and I actually worked at one for an entire summer while in high school. At 15, I was in charge of baking potatoes (they sold whole baked potatoes, wrapped in foil) and cookies. Ugh - rough job. Ovens, summer, Florida …

Well. their fries were near perfect. Some of my friends did, though, say that the shakes were chalky and unpleasant.

I've actually spent time down this wormhole, chasing Burger Chef, as it turns out. I was most disappointed to learn that Wuv's didn't warrant a mention.

Yikes! That's too bad. I would say you should get out more, but you're talking gibberish about politics on the internet, so that's clearly not an option.

I loved Tom Haverford, but that Master of None show was fantastic. I came in late to the game, just binge-watchig the series a week or two ago, but it was really great. His NYT op-ed, regardless of the politics, was really thoughtful and well written.

I agree with your general point, but I see plenty of Hillary supporters acknowledge her faults while noting that she's the better of two less-than-ideal choices. Trump supporters usually don't evidence that level of nuance, though they are usually too busy yelling profanities and assaulting people to offer

An article that quotes Liz Lemon's thoughts on the sandwich while ignoring Warren Zevon's? Not for me.

At least they were playing -both- kinds of music: country -and- western.

I remember seeing this on Night Flight and for years wondering what the hell it was that I had seen.

The trick, when the artists is intolerable, is to separate the artist from the art. It's surprisingly difficult today, but wasn't really that difficult thirty years ago.

Yeah, some shows simply "look" dated. With television often being such a visual medium, it's kinda hard to get past.

Yeah - I remember watching Night Court and feeling it was kinda subversive, but in a "you're welcome in this club" feeling. I think the dating, if I ever go back and watch it again, will be in the structure (as you say, sitcommy).

She's usually my favorite part of whatever's she in. I hope she keeps collecting paychecks for as long as she likes.

Cheers aged very poorly. I kinda thought that one would stand up well, but it absolutely hasn't. I wonder how Night Court would do, but I'm kinda afraid to find out.