Joseph Kaye

The Replacements' "Let it be" was what got me into music, in my adult form, at least. It's really no exaggeration to say that they were the soundtrack of my teens and early twenties. I'm torn on whether I want to read this or not, but I probably will. As a side note, that first Chris Mars solo album was fantastic.

And thus, the brrreau of prisons can finally change its name back.

I have donated one upvote to your cause.

I would watch the hell out of that.

I loved Mirror's Edge and also found that freighter thing awful. Min, though, comes with the Twilight Princess. Some collect the magic dewdrops question or something, probably halfway through the game. Never got the hang of it. It was too difficult (for me) and seemed meaningless to the overall plot. I just didn't get

Nailed it.

I could see that. I buy Scarlett as a younger, new-to-the-game Widow. I would've liked an older Black Widow in this series - not really capable of the action, more of a Tinker/Tailor/Soldier/Spy Widow.

I tend to agree. I love Scarlett, and I don't really -mind- her portrayal of Widow, but I always thought Black Widow had a little more weariness to her that Scarlett just can't pull off. Granted, I only read a few collections of the comics, so I'm not exactly an expert.

I really wanted to like A Head Full of Ghosts more than I did. It kept my interest, and it was well-written, but ultimately is just sort of underwhelmed me. I'll say, too, that Outer Dark & Child of God were just as rough as Blood Meridian, maybe even more so.

What did you think of Delta Machine? That sort of had an Eno-like vibe, from what i remember. I sort of lost track of Depeche Mode for a while, but when Delta Machine came out, I played the hell out of that disc for about a month.

Had me at Eno.

Yeah, aside from Pablo Honey (which, to be fair, I haven't listened to in a long while), they're all great. It's the rare band where I can't really disagree with anyone's "in order" list.

We used to need Superman to see the future, but now we need him to understand the past. Superman is dead; long live Superman.

I have Kid A as a solid #1 on my Radiohead list, though I admit it's sort of like choosing a favorite child. Kid A just blew me away the first time I heard it, and it's still as new and challenging and fresh as it was back then. Stellar, all the way through.

Radiohead is one of the few consistently interesting and challenging bands around. I can't really think of any other band like them.

Scrooge McDuck styled money baths.

I think I chose an odd one, too - I came in on Season 4 via after-work syndication reruns, which I absolutely loved. From what I understand, Season 4 is seen as a low point among many fans (Riley, and all), but I thought it was great (and still do). From there, I went back and watched 1-3, then 5, and really only

Buffy was my first binge watch, too - syndicated reruns at first, then DVD sets after. I'm sure there were other long-narrative arc series before Buffy, but I think it hit the sweet spot of having long arcs with multiple entry points combined with cheap, easy-to-find DVDs and syndication.

To me, Prince was when I realized that artistic integrity and mainstream success could co-exist.

Nah. It's a great track. It's not my favorite by any stretch, but still awesome.