Joseph Kaye

Nah. It's a great track. It's not my favorite by any stretch, but still awesome.

I loved Bonfire of the Vanities, really. I think it worked on nearly every level (at the time).

All time favorite Prince track: I could never take the place of your man.

I really liked the Astronaut album when it came out, but I never listened to their other stuff. I'll give it a try this weekend. On a side note, I always feel a little bad for groups who had a single that peaked at 11. I think it'd be kinda cool to claim a top ten single, you know?

Good point. I was never a yuppie, but that was sort of in my generation, which speaks to the point of view. Agree heavily on that Amazon pilot - so great.

I specified "his first three films" in a comment, too, and Shao Ping asked me about Damsels. I gave the best answer I could, but I still can't explain why I separate the first three from the fourth. Why did you specify three? FWIW, Metropolitan, aside from the somewhat dated wardrobe, is a nearly perfect film, in my

I did see it, and I really enjoyed it. I specified those first three films because I thought that they all shared a sort of symmetry between them - that the three were, together, a sort of complete package. I really liked Damsels, but I thought that it revisited some of the themes already pretty fully developed in the

Absolutely. I must've watched that pilot a half-dozen times.

Also great, and oddly useful, is the "maneuver x" dialogue.

The first three Stillman movies are near-perfect, in my opinion. I loved his Cosmopolitans pilot on Amazon, too - still ticked off that they didn't give it a go.

I first heard Andrew Bird a few years ago on an NPR show (I think it was NPR - could've been some random show on XM). He's really good, and to describe musically, and I think a lot of people would really like his stuff if they heard it. The song that hooked me was "Oh no."

I just watched the first two years and then parts of the third. It's not like I quit the show, but there's only so many hours in the day, you know? I do remember the music always being spot-on, though - is it still that way?

That Faction thing is going for $40 on Amazon, so I'm not too sure many people will check that particular item out. Looks really good, tho.

I don't know why, but I've always been fascinated by this kind of professional - people who make a living in show business, but in a more or less minor way. The guy seems like he's worked hard and totally deserves this awesome gig, which is a definite bonus.

Honestly, I don't ever really remember it until fairly recently. I liked the Pretenders, though not a whole lot, and I even had a few of their records. XMSirius, though, plays the hell out of Time the Avenger, and I've come to like it quite a bit. XM also plays a ton of songs by the Fixx, but I still haven't come

Loved 2001. 2010 isn't a bad movie, but only if it's taken as a sort of separate thing. I know it's probably not a great movie, but I prefer Contact to 2010. I don't know why, but it's one of those movies (like Die hard) where if I come across it while flipping channels, I sort of clear my calendar for the duration of

For whatever reason, XMSirius, or whatever it's called these days, plays Time the Avenger often. The Pretenders have some really great singles, but I never really got into any of their albums. Show Me, Brass in Pocket, and Chain Gang are all such great songs.

The most isolated I ever felt in a game was either the Fatal Frame game that came out for the first xBox or Catherine, for purely existential reasons, for the PS3. There were stretches of Vagrant Story that felt really alone, too.

If you're talking about "Ascension Millennium," then I agree completely. Look - this video has given me so much joy, though not in the way Mr. Feldman had intended - that I'm prolly gonna donate on Indiegogo. There was a week or two where I listened to this every day on my drive home from work, and all my problems

Hawk-guy 4eva.