I worked for a fuckin’ Boomer who would routinely humblebrag about how she and all her Mod (she was from London) friends actually solved all society’s problems back in 1963.
I worked for a fuckin’ Boomer who would routinely humblebrag about how she and all her Mod (she was from London) friends actually solved all society’s problems back in 1963.
Sure, Jann.
Northerneye has no use for women that won’t fall in line with his way of thinking. They might as well just be “men” at that point!
You’re not and will never be a woman lol.
Go pick a hill to die on. Maybe Dawes Hill?
I can’t afford to see anyone big enough to sellout an arena.
I had the same thought!
Steven Tyler suffers pretty
I had no idea I how brave I was being since my early 30s!
I’ll never forget the massive letdown that is AV Club: The Kinja Years.
Scary Movie 5 is the point where you think the movies got bad?
First they came for the mediocre comedians, but I said nothing, for I was too busy trying to think up jokes to write in A.V. Club comments.
The “Church”
I’m excited for this album, and am probably joined by 3 other readers of this site.
They missed the obvious casting opportunity when they overlooked Ron Jeremy for the part of Sonic the Hedgehog.
That asshole ripped off my song “Comparatively Well-off Men West of Comparativelywelloffmond”!!
“And yet you’re in the grays, champ.”
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. In mine, you are an idiot.