

It’s weird to see things that I was too old for in the first place being rebooted for a new generation.

Disappointed that “Ignoreland” didn’t show up on the list.  This 30 year old line could have been written 15 minutes ago:

Ew. That’s true.

...because they are both dressed up to look like Dracula?

Oh. Oh no. Now I can’t stop seeing it.

I find it distracting how much Marilyn Manson looks like Marilyn Manson.

Hey, it’s David Spade!  Remember when he was funny?  Man, that was a great week.

I think we have a solid pitch for the next adaptation of Peter Pan:

Historically speaking, the concept of the theater audience being silent non-participants in the play is relatively new. Who among us has not read the rousing accounts of barely literate Englishmen singing along to "" I Shalt Always Love Thou" during performances at the Globe Theater? 

honey your head is just a one way street

Yep to the 10th power. There is no moral flux capacitor, capable of retroactively making folks in the ‘70's realize they were doing shitty things. But for a now-ancient Steven Tyler to have grown so little that he can’t acknowledge the harm he caused...that’s an indictment of his capacity to grow.

Tom Hardy!

I would add Michael Mando to thiseyes you can get lost in” list.

That is the perfect take on (1) Everybody Wants Some; and (2) that shitty fucking election.

Jensen Ackles. I, as well, an a (married) hetero male, and he’s one my wife and I agree on: yep, that man transcends such constructs. 

Hugh Grant, George Clooney.

Very sorry to the other 6,999 employees that are losing their jobs, but he can rest in piss.

When I went to see Isle of Dogs there were two young teens in the theatre who were discussing the movie after it was over. They were aware of Wes Anderson, but hadn’t seen anything else by him. I don’t think they really got what was so great about him. It got me thinking about times I’ve seen later films by great

Fuck the haters, I’m a millennial of a certain age and I am here for this shit.