
Al salami alaikum.

I believe his positions on those issues are clear.

Stubbing your toe sucks.

Takei’s whole public persona is being an annoying lib and Shatner’s is of a guy who straddles fan service and arrogant right wing bollocks. Neither seem like actually bad people but I can see why that would clash. They’re both kinda insufferable but pretty harmless for guys in their 80s/90s. Clashing over some petty

Indy puts to together the clues to find the drawer where the nurses keep the good drugs.

I was staying with them until Charles and the Earl of Halifax solved a mystery by saying “fuck”

“What the devil did I do?”

The Doors, eh? I saw that opening night with my girlfriend at the time. When “1968" flashed on the screen she turned to me and asked “How many years until he’s dead?” I answered three, and she groaned. As a lifelong fan of the band I could only agree.

Get in line.

Hey, if you think you can...

That’s good news.

You can if they are Golden Books! They are like 20 pages each and even that is mostly pictures. I recommend “The Little Engine That Could”. Such an upbeat story of positive thinking saving the day!

Hey, clips are back!!

Man, if I had time to read ten books in a month...

jaysus, my shitty joke was closer than i thought ...

Oh c’mon. It’s great you like her stuff, but she was never “experimental.”

Always upvoting Waits.

Gah, how did I manage to not include any Waits on my list?

Knock knock.

How does this relate to his blockade of Japan in 1853 to get the Japanese to trade with America (which indirectly spurred the restoration of the Japanese Emperor and the militarization of Japan which led disastrously to Japanese Imperialism and WWII).