
As one person with MS to another:  it must be bunnies. Bunnies are evil. Twitchy little noses and the harbingers of doom. That said though - the good thing about MS is that the research into this fucking shitty disease (seriously, it’s shit having MS) is constantly evolving. It doesn’t say which type of MS she has,

throwing out the most banal Bond tidbits just to remind us that the franchise exists”

Marlon Brandon —> Marlon Brando

I sort of agree in spirit with the idea that people should trust audiences more, but I overwhelmingly fall back to Barnum’s dictum that nobody ever went broke betting on the ignorance of the American public. I assure you there are thousands of viewers who absolutely believe that whatever is being described here is an

The late 19th/early 20th Century was still fascinated with Africa as a dramatic literary device and, unfortunately, it was a fascination of “how can we put our White Colonizer Entitlement on this” which begat Tarzan and a host of imitators in Pulps and Comics. In 2016 when the last Tarzan film came out, a friend

Joe Camel


I wasn’t saying that, it was a valid question. I was just trying to give a valid answer.

Hey, I did the same thing once (shaved half my beard off)! It was actually work-related for my... job as a software engineer. (Yes, really.)

Ugh, ONE movie. If they loved us, we’d get a trilogy. But they don’t care about fans.

As a counterpoint, most people fall into the binary categories. 

Bisexual groups have now described bisexuality not as being attracted to ‘both genders’, but being attracted to both members of the same gender and members of other genders. Plus, I don’t think it has ever been defined as an equal split, just somewhere on the spectrum where you are attracted to both genders a little

A while back I remember reading something where someone was complaining that ‘bisexual’ shouldn’t be retired quite yet because there was still a fairly large contingent of people, usually of an older age, whose sex lives revolved around exclusively dating either people of the opposite sex who were straight, or the

I do love conversations like this about Ripley and knowing that the actors were also thinking and talking about this stuff. One of my favorite scenes is when Ripley finally loses her patience with Parker and tells him to shut up and listen. From the DVD commentary, Kotto had been trying to get Weaver to the place she

What are the odds that the last shot of this movie is the main character or her last remaining ally smiling directly into the camera after it appears the danger has passed?  50%?  75?

We also have better taste. Some Like it Hot is delightful.

I liked Willow Creek a lot. I liked Blair Witch too - most found-footage movies cheat, (The Last Broadcast for instance) but those did it right.

Because Old Man Logan has been in a thing for ages and works for the character? Ian Fleming didn’t write Old Man Bond, did he?

I liked Willow Creek way more than Blair Witch.

agreed. i seem to remember Dog Soldiers being an effective and interesting B grade take on a classic horror oeuvre