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    Is there a MCU movie without family drama? They have characters that are related to raise stakes and make them personal. A son who is denying his birthright is a pretty big deal. More so when the birthright apepars to be POWERS.

    I was trying to do the Kingsley Mandarin accent over the weekend. If you’re not careful it becomes Mick rory pretty fast! lol, but still fun, to do, for pronunciation, of threats.

    Zed’s dead.

    We’ve already met Elijah Bradley!

    I think we may get a shot of Steve after Falcon becomes Cap. Long distance approving nod style. He could even wear a cap and glasses like his “disguise” in CA:WS.

    He’s also the one SWORD re-programed. He was programed to destroy Vision and then learned he was Vision. So I think we’re beyond saying he’s “the same”.

    Its totally DC but in the moment it felt like an apt way to describe how we go from Wanda up to this point and what we could see in Dr. Strange.

    WIthout having watched today’s episode yet, totally agree. Someone pulling strings is pulling them to keep Wanda at the center of the “story” and cuing up the residents to speak to her being in charge. Almost like a power person’s son or daughter walking around on set. “Whatever you say little Skippy Spielberg”.

    They’re going to give them yet another goodbye. A punishing, gut punching additional goodbye. Thats how we get Kingdom Come Wanda. Fans think this is broken Wanda. This is still part of her descent. She hasn’t reached bottom yet.

    By faithfully Arthurian he means Sepia toned.

    They established that Vision’s will stated he didn’t want his technology to be weaponized and it appears thats exactly what SWORD is working on. All those scientists weren’t dusting the area. They’re experimenting.

    It feels more like the Truman Show, but if the other actors started asking Truman for direction.Her conscious is only so aware of her power.

    I took his clothes to be half Uncle Joey (printed shirt) and half Uncle Jesse (leather jacket).

    “Dammit Barry!” ~Groot

    Didn’t Wanda say Ultron’s name first, then Monica said it a little later? Wanda said something like “Pietro was killed by Ultron”

    Except I have coffee.

    I’d also be up for something timey-wimey where the heroes end up in the past and realize they need more help. Go looking for the Cap who went back.

    I hear you. I wrote that last night and woke up to news of a close family friend who passed overnight, only months after their cancer diagnosis. 2021: Today is no easier than yesterday.

    T’Challa should die from an invasive cancer that Shuri can’t heal. It’d be unbelievably emotional for the cast and crew (sorry!) but what better way to honor Chadwick Boseman than to shine a light on cancer awareness?

    Only pieces missing are the over the top sound effects from loading the gun, chambering a round, shot-shot-shot-shot, echo fades.