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    Does WB still do an HBOMAX series around the Amazons on Themiscyra with Patty off working far far away?? Cuz this opening sure seems like a sizzle real for it.

    I checked and was still confused. On the same page it should say that I have it i was offered a free trial. shrug emoji

    I blame portrait mode for that shot.

    My recollection was that SIR Patrick would appear in Dr. Strange along with the other supposed cameos and character swaps like Krasinski as Cap.

    That episode was literally Mando riding into town, fighting a Jedi, fighting the oppressive regime, assassin droids, a duel and a saber v beskar battle.

    In story reason: she’s never going to convince anyone that she’s not a Jedi with the swords and force powers at Master level as Filoni describes. 

    Worst thing that happens to her is a fake death (like in the first movie, hanging from the helicopter) or death at the ‘words’ of an unreliable narrator.

    I want to say The Flash dropped Coast City at some point. Barry ran there for the pizza? or maybe thats where Oliver and Felicity tried to restart?

    That guy is obviously a skrull.

    Marvel: We’re back to the point where a Spider-Man movie can make 1B, how should we celebrate? I mean really show them we don’t give a fuh?

    Anyone who moves to Gotham for a “fresh start” deserves wat they get. They know what they did.

    We got insurance for our rescue pup after hearing of friends taking their pets to the vet and coming home with a healthy critter and $1,500 bill.

    Right. Its cheaper to fulfill those contracts as is than break the deal and fight over damages. Plus as the article states this won’t be final until mid-2021.

    I had never read the comic but watched the movie and understood the basics of the take on heroes. Anyways, I enjoyed Screen Crush’s episode break downs, illuminating easter eggs and providing deep cuts to the series.

    Something like that, maybe not even that high up. Could meet him as a low level, sub-captain level in the mob.

    It certainly jibes with what I took from the trailer. This Bat is still in rage violence mode. He’s just young enough (18 months in) to think he’s got it figured out, he’s doing it right. He’s not questioning himself because it feels so right. He’s still ‘in the red’ even if his movements around police read as stoic.

    They’re just seeding the world around the Bat for later. Oz is probably a middle manager for one of the crime families, not the “villain” of the movie.

    Don’t worry, just like Marvel skipped Uncle Ben and then made Tony the uncle Ben of this Spider-man’s story so too will we get to watch as Bruce Wayne loses layers of innocence.

    First thought watching it was of Se7en.

    So kinda like how they played it in HBO’s Watchmen. Control both sides of the fight to de-escalate... eh