
Really? Finally watched it last night and i hated that whole part. I dunno, a bunch of gruesome deaths just rubs me the wrong way here. But I agree Wanda’s heel turn (and later face turn) felt rushed and unearned.

That’s the thing, sadly, she didn’t have an arc, it wasn’t rushed, it was nonexistant!

I can be generous and give Obi Wan a pass for not cutting Anakin’s head off on Mustafar, (even though he totally should have cut off Anakin’s head on Mustafar) under the assumption that the kid was most likely going to die of his wounds, but this time there is no excuse.

You're right, that does make more sense.

They are probably weights. In scuba, it’s common to have weight belts to neutralize your bouyancy. And given the recipe for the tank was a lot of salt, she would more easily float in that to not need additional floatation.

The unearthly tech is Thanagarian - Hawkman’s homeworld.

More Sarah Shahi please.

Movie Studios don’t get embarrassed by things like that. All that matters are the $$$ and Shazam! made a good amount. 

That's the middle East filter, would be a bit more orangey for South America.

Have you ever met someone with power? Like 9 times out of 10 they’re just a bratty child. That’s also a running theme with the bad guys in Star Wars.

Likeability is a hell of a loaded term, that betrays a person’s subconscious prejudices. Often, likeability amounts to conforming to the norms of the dominant culture. And why the hell should an Inquisitor have to be likeable?

Weird Al fans? They’re probably pretty chill.

It’s interesting that, in a story talking about all the obvious racism she is encountering, your response is “Here are the not-racist reasons I don’t like her”

I think you protest too hard buddy.

Anyone commenting with a review of the performance, character, or show, positive or negative, is completely missing the point, and pushes forward the dangerous idea that treating actors as human beings deserving of respect, free from bigotry is somehow conditional. It is not. There is absolutely no excuse for the kind

You don’t want this virus.

Ah, a classic “in a way the bad parts are what make it good” review from Germain “physiologically incapable of saying a movie is bad” Lussier.

“Is that your final answer?”

Also: “Hey, before I cast this potentially dangerous spell which could destroy the universe, how’s about you and I sit down for 5 minutes and go over the rules first.”