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    I feel ATTACKED! I dusted them very recently!

    Truth, or my name isn’t Jackie Daytona.

    Report from the other day said Reeves plans to introduce Joker in a possible sequel. The Batman would still be a world building effort that sets up the pieces on the board, not trying to make each character a supervillain yet. Falcone, sure. Colin Farrell even said he doesn’t have a ton to do in this one. He’s part

    Season 1 was good enough to keep me coming back. Season 2 found better legs and left a genuinely fun cliffhanger.

    I took it this way too.

    Yeah have to remind myself that the more they do these less expensive sets and lighting tricks the more they save for the big episodes and efx.

    I think Sony wants the character to be that, but bring a star so they need to introduce her properly. Well, not anthology but the introduction to the live action Spider-Verse.

    I would love for her to go off and try on new characters. Blow up as those and see how intere$ted Di$ney is in more Quake $torie$.

    I’ll miss Bluebook.

    First time an episode description made me go, “huh, who ELSE could that be because it won’t be HIM.” Certainly not to just ‘settle a score’.

    Concern from an acquaintance in the CzR is that they tested like crazy and have a very low rate of infection. They thought it would be much higher, meaning ppl had it but recovered without serious illness. Turns out they just didn’t get it. Public health wise, thats a lot of people still susceptible to an outbreak.

    Still wild to me that of all the costumes in End Game, it was the time travel suits that were entirely CGI.

    the fuq? He made most of it up and you’re here sayig take it easy on the guy. He’s literally putting more people in danger each time he talks or shakes hands.

    The strength has been setting a new status quo in each episode. Nothing is settled but I’m not sure I care a ton about whats happening to everyone.

    Agree. I bet each of the next set of earth-bound antagonists are either sent by Ross OR cultivated by Ross after the fact. “One on one they defeated you. Just like Avengers I can teach you to win by working as a team.”

    I still argue the bigger WTF moment was that Chewie, after all these decades, is still co-pilot whenever there’s another human in the Falcon. He’s been flying that thing forever but never in the big chair. They “othered” him good.

    So good. Damn daywalker energy vampire is so good.

    Smart move to get someone to be-speckle Taika’s next script. I enjoy most everything he writes but also reach that point where I hear his voice in everyone’s words. Characters start to blend together.

    Its going to be wild for Diggle to show up elsewhere as Lantern with a mask after spending so much time as the only vigilante with his face not only sowing but WELL LIT. 

    Early in the finale: Look how easily we have multiple SD’s show up to commit genocide! Easy. Late in the finale: even though Kylo Ren is now involved there’s no need for any additional star destroyers.