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    when the count that matters is hundreds of millions, sometimes billion and not a message board on the internet then yes this is a different scale than you may be used to.

    Good “well actually” by you! When you have a chance to marginalize a story of women making movies you gotta take it.

    yea and you can see how Blade started a movement in film, ijs, eye-roll.

    Who at Warner (or anywhere else) can detail the differences between HBO Go, HBO Now and HBO Max?

    There’s that” about the CWDCU, they have yet to explore the Amazons or Atlanteans besides a reference in the Flash a few years back.

    Already had him in the Wonder Woman movie. :)

    In that way its very much Marvel and very much Venom 1.5.

    ALTERNATE. Wayne embarrassed him and mocked him, just like DeNiro’s character. They reside in the same space in terms of class, which is one of the themes Phillips would like to make you think this movie is about.

    thats what makes it an ALTERNATE ending.

    The opposite. They are doubling down on them as the new Oliver and Barry, per that After Crisis talk show.

    Only moment that matters is Baby Y thinking his force hand did the blaster strike that took out Zero.

    Some were frustrated by TLJ because all they wanted was more JJ Abrams aping the original trilogy (fan service). He made ANH over and tripled power levels... yay? I had problems with TLJ out of the gate because I’ve had decades of hero worship to what Luke might have been only to find out he’s not that guy. A lot of

    but the watch Steve gave her wasn’t gold. It was a basic digital from that time.

    Makes sense that she would meet Minerva while both in DC working at museums.

    He’ll use it to escape that cell. Once he does he’ll make his way back to the catapult. This time, no rope. With the help of his co-conspirators he’ll be launched back to the surface of Europa. There he finds the vessel waiting for him, his way home. The vessel which was sent there by his daughter, Lady Trieu.

    Microfusion vessel of some kind, I caught that too.

    Flash forward to 2040, Big DMT lobbying to get it counted as a vegetable in school lunches.

    7K seems to be of two minds. The street level bomb building thuggery and those in power pulling their strings. To me it feels like the whole 7K vs Tulsa PD/heroes bit is all to keep the ppl in Tulsa occupied with infighting. Police gets shot. Judd escalates taking the security measures off of their fire arms...

    that would be a nice twist on the “but who is she really?”

    It can’t be Yoda reincarnated because they said its 50 years but Yoda hasn’t been dead that long.