The whole thing started as a ploy to get NBC to pay more for The Apprentice! When the results came back on election night Melania bawled at the idea.
The whole thing started as a ploy to get NBC to pay more for The Apprentice! When the results came back on election night Melania bawled at the idea.
Demanding pics, please. :)
All it needed was a line, or some effects around their weapons and helmets that connected the nuke explosion to those on the ground.
Also made me scratch my head during Civil War when the same beams don’t reflect at all. Another cool visual tho.
If your given name was John Brown and you got famous you’d kick it up a notch too.
Strong reaction, yes. Maybe it was coming off such a long break and in combination with all the other Legends tomfoolery happening all around it that it felt out of place. Like, someone remind her whch CW DC show she’s on! It ain’t Arrow... alas, sigh, writers have to break them up so they can reconcile later while…
They tried, and didn’t quite succeed, in putting Ava in Intense Mode when they threaten to fire her at the top of the show. I think thats suppose to excuse her actions for the rest of it.
This reminds me the least believable part of the match was people leaving after some gringo told them to. Sure they’d understand him but they wouldn’t just obey him.
Dialogue did them no favors there. “I asked for ONE thing”. As if the number is the most important part of that ask. Meanwhile, ya girl was trying to ask for one thing too. And dropped some crazy info on you to ignore. That and Sara/Legends were doing exactly what they always do while Ava acts enraged by it. They…
Separately, I have been laid off and fired. Laid off, easy half the company was with me.
Back in the day I worked for a consultancy that helped candidates with their applications to graduate programs. There’s big money in the difference between a top 25 and a top 5 MBA program so there’s money in bridging that gap. I mostly worked with the consultants who were former admissions decision makers. OH THE…
Yeah, Russ has the capacity to act like a jack ass but when its jack ass versus racist camo guy there’s not a choice involved.
What I didn’t know until a few weeks ago was that what we today consider “Wells Fargo” is essentially a bank from Minnesota or elsewhere in the Midwest that leveraged the hell out of new products and eventually just bought the old Wells Fargo’s name and assets so they can sell their “history” in commercials. That same…
Yes, like this one. this is the one I don’t want to be lumped in with just because I don’t see how Luke gives up on Ben Solo after his defining characteristic is NOT giving up on Darth Vader.
I think this is one of the problems baked into the “who am I really?” story they’ve started with. most of what we’ve seen is Kree robot weapon VERS with little personality. Carol that I know from animated adaptations is more of the pilot we saw glimpses of, much more personality because she knows her power plus the…
Correct. Air Force pilots are more experimental air craft and long long runways in the desert. Navy are the guys and gals landing on a postage stamp.
Right. I had problems with Last Jedi, less so after the 2nd viewing but my issues were never the issues that certain “fans” brought up. So it feels ickier to voice my issues because that sorta puts me in their camp in a way and thats not the point, but still. they suck.
Putting the drag back in Dragon? Amazed that you could reply twice without using “well actually” but still living and breathing it like you moderated every debate of the time. Have a great Friday on the internet MD.
Ultron was after Coulson had been un-fridged for television. So THE death was completely undone, not that Joss would acknowledge it at all. Again, he didn’t acknowledge other MCU movies other than his own.
Could be but I seem to remember that time frame after Coulson was un-fridged for TV in AoS. Wasn’t Joss like, “No he’s dead” bt also pissed he wasn’t dead. Then there were tons of rumors about which Avenger dies in AoU, (mostly Hawkeye) in part because they had to show actual hero-stakes. The spotlight was on then. So…