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    I don’t think its as divisive as you’re making it out to be. Close to 70% of Americans don’t want Roe overturned. The legislatures enacting these bills are overly gerrymandered o elections are straight taken (Georgia)

    The whole thing started as a ploy to get NBC to pay more for The Apprentice! When the results came back on election night Melania bawled at the idea.

    Probably controversial to suggest it didn’t do well because it wasn’t very good, but thats the main reason. There’s zero connection between and TLJ for me, for most, for the story... and as you said, if the theory is that ppl turned away because of TLJ it falls apart because this WAS the nostalgia based romp fans had

    thats and “Didn’t we do this last year?” Just the right splash of meta.

    Oof I am having a bad feeling about her. When the showrunner said she’d be back and Nate is free to look for her but he won’t like what he finds. Sounds like she could be aligned with the season’s big bad, or be that person...

    I bet its mostly pilot so its guaranteed to lay it on with a slather.

    I’d so much prefer the 10 “rings” that power any new Mandarin being 10 different crime circles/areas of influence. THOSE can be featured in a lot of different stories on the ground level. They don’t require immediate exposition and backstory or any connections made to larger events, ever, but its there to play with.

    Demanding pics, please. :)

    Likely on the heels of popularity of the El Capitan doc and increasing interest in climbing generally.

    Wait till they kill off Happy.

    Marvel: We’re gonna skip the Uncle Ben part of this story. You guys all know that one already. We don’t need to beat it to, err, death. Sorry.

    If they wanted the connection you just have to show her growing up as Tony approaches, from baby to the little girl actress we meet to that version. We see Tony getting a chance to see her grow so RDJ can play that, then the conversartion has weight cuz he’s not clueless and therefore we’re clued in to who it is.

    Dammit Steve!

    Ax-ually I didn’t. I added to it, pointing out that more people came back than went in so the doses were even more off. Although now thinking of your point the answer for yours was “They already had that considered in the original dosage allotment.”

    Thought the same thing about the picture of Steve in that office. After reading about how people have pictures they want to see and pictures they want others to see I can’t look at anyone’s office/desk area the same ever again. Why was it dark? Its an outer office for her assistant?? No, that’d be weirder... so I can

    To double down, 2014 Nebula gives Thanos the pym particles from 2019 Nebula’s suit. Then N-2014 uses the suit to go back to 2019. Then Thanos’ ship comes through... all while it was really important for them to go get more pym particles in one of the other time heists...

    Given the touching portrayal of Nebula and Tony to begin the film it would have been nice to at least have Tony notice something isn’t quite the same. Obvi not required but they did some lovely setup work ther with zero follow through.

    He made portals on Titan during the fight with Thanos. Quill flips the bird while falling back into one.

    After all this time and all this setup, they couldn’t help but make a [Recruit a team + McGuffin heist + big CGI 3rd act] movie.

    Nope. Shot for shot remake.