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    The real twist is that the young Will is the current Will and the older one is aged-Will.

    Sorry, amalgamation, better now or are there other pedant points you’re shooting for?

    Nope. Lots of people don’t watch and haven’t read any of the books.

    I hear you. I read opinions from fans who say “The finally cracked Thor” and I just shake my head. They just turned him and anyone he comes across into hyper self-aware Tony Starks.  Thats not figuring a character out. Its... amalgomation.

    They had me the minute Nadja suggests writing the date of their victims on their foreheads so everyone knows if they are fresh. My wife and I literally just put up a leftovers board so we’d eat food in the fridge before it went bad.

    Lots of assumptions made that don’t hold up. I highly doubt ALL people know that all of the Dick Wolf shows are connected to St. Elsewhere et al. Not sure how that “worn out” either, unless maybe you missed the actual reference. 

    Points for the snow globe reference and everything it means.

    10:50AM Friday at the Uptown. $8, $5 at the door but online they get you with the convenience fee.

    Nope. This Spartan was created for this show and I believe eventually made it back into the comics.

    Agree. Its both a steup and catch up episode but the complaints seem to be that of a child peaking at christmas presents early. Then they get upset cuz they already knew what the gifts were.

    I like that there’s enough there for several characters to work it out or at least catch a whiff of it with their own clues.

    And he’s seen other men ride ON them quite recently.

    I never took it as whining. She was the only one speaking to the obvious: ok you’re here, but how do we sustain you? And thats exactly her role as Lady of Winterfell. None of them know how long it will be before battle.Oh about another episode or so... OK, no biggie then.

    After show commentary said that the boy trying to get a good look was a callback to Arya when Robert, Queen Cersei et al arrived in Winterfell. They showed how Arya grew from a child wanting to play soldier to who she is today, never needing to get people’s attention. Instead biding her time.

    I was fine with Tyrion too. He and Sansa, with Sansa calling him out was actually a telling moment for his character on another way. First Dany and now Jon have made him into a believer, something I’m sure he never thought he’d be. He’d never be close enough to matter. He’d be a commentator on the actions of noble

    Replying just to say this also describes the movie Justice League. They got all the major beats of a story we might be interested in but when it comes time to the HOW of it all, punches and explosions. None of the how thats supposed to tell part of the story.

    Jamie’s arrival was the setup for Ep 2, symbolic that while he’s doing the right thing almost everyone there will hate him/has bad history with him.

    Yeah that felt more like a way to get Bronn into the action of the last battles instead of laying around Kings Landing. “He’s no good to us there, lets move him north.” Way more fun to be had.

    I too have a feeling of a “tried but failed” second act followed by the actual endgame.

    All it needed was a line, or some effects around their weapons and helmets that connected the nuke explosion to those on the ground.