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    Also made me scratch my head during Civil War when the same beams don’t reflect at all. Another cool visual tho.

    And that doubt came from already feeling the darkness growing in Ben. Luke was the never give up guy. Even that bit of doubt, in their own way trying to humanize him, was out of character. Didn’t matter that it was fleeting, that it ever existed after an original trilogy of believing Vader could be saved...

    TLJ gets better every time for me. Compared to TFA its actual cinema, shot to be a motion picture on a giant screen, not JJ TV.

    If your given name was John Brown and you got famous you’d kick it up a notch too.

    And this season they came to me toward the end of five and said, “We don’t think you’re going to weasel out of this. We think Coulson really may be finished at the end of Season 5. But we have an idea for Season 6. You get to play somebody new. Someone who’s not as necessarily as big hearted and heroic.”

    I’d argue they were moments from getting the gauntlet off of him but not moments from defeating him.

    Yeah, the King of Comedy piece is def only part of it. Pupkin was never literally beaten down by NY the way we see Fleck being beaten. The mom was only ever a voice and here we see her... and I worry losing her will be a catalyst for Arthur. She’s the positive in his life which is never a good thing, for her

    That WAS DeNiro as TV host. Phillips is remaking King of Comedy as a Joker story... Jerry Lewis played the TV host in that. De Niro was Rupert. Which likely puts Zazie in the Rita role.

    Strong reaction, yes. Maybe it was coming off such a long break and in combination with all the other Legends tomfoolery happening all around it that it felt out of place. Like, someone remind her whch CW DC show she’s on! It ain’t Arrow... alas, sigh, writers have to break them up so they can reconcile later while

    He’s definitely ‘sourcing’ King of Comedy, right down to Warner kicking some cash Scorsese’s way early in the project to get his blessing/night.

    They tried, and didn’t quite succeed, in putting Ava in Intense Mode when they threaten to fire her at the top of the show. I think thats suppose to excuse her actions for the rest of it.

    This reminds me the least believable part of the match was people leaving after some gringo told them to. Sure they’d understand him but they wouldn’t just obey him.

    Dialogue did them no favors there. “I asked for ONE thing”. As if the number is the most important part of that ask. Meanwhile, ya girl was trying to ask for one thing too. And dropped some crazy info on you to ignore. That and Sara/Legends were doing exactly what they always do while Ava acts enraged by it. They

    So fatigued a mediocre Venom movie made $855 million and an “Aquaman” picture made 1.1 billion. Oh for such fatigue in my industry.

    I know a few nerdy mental health counselors and clinical psychologists who disagree. I’ve heard some of the conversations about how they’d classify him, usually one disorder affecting another. Not saying thats what Phillips intends to do. I very much doubt that any real analysis takes place. he’s going to show a man

    I could see that. He did a hell of a job deconstructing Batman through his writing on Person of Interest.

    Except none of it was earned. Run through all the 9/11 style smoke bombs Snyder could find, Batman 45 isn’t Luthor. Snyder had to have his hero as villain and boy did he force it.

    Arrow introduces another secret society. The second one in the last two seasons. The Quadrant, who run the whole country, were slayed last year by Diaz. Now we have the 9th Circle who Diaz knew of but was afraid of? Quality Dante references all around. Glad Arrow is trending toward the poetic.

    Right, Keaton’s Batman dropped bombs on real people. Shocking but par for that film. I’ve never held a “Batman has never killed” view. More like Batman doesn’t go out murdering, because thats how he got this way.

    Right. I defended that scene as Snyder’s way of explaining why Superman refuses to kill. That it was “no MORE killing” and not just “No killing” actually made sense.