Obscure reference displaynames get no love

The message has to come from the inside. The resources have to come from the outside. Those aren’t the same. Expecting the poorest to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps is stupid even if you don’t like how they vote.

This is disingenuous, dishonest, and reeks of partisan hackery. There are plenty of Progressive prosecutors (Philadelphia) out there who are doing actual substantive change to the criminal justice system.

i also don’t mean to be rude but you’re rewriting history. hillary didn’t run on policy. she had no signature policies beyond the no fly zone in syria. she had pages of third way institute babble on her website but trump was ironically far more issue oriented than she was on the campaign trail. they weren’t good

I guess raising issues about a candidate in a political primary is “shitting” on them then. What do you want them to write? A hagiography? Robert O’Rourke has every other media outlet doing that for him already. This was a first person account of a campaign stop by a candidate who apparently doesn’t have any actual

Exactly. The primary is not the time for people to be discussing what they want in a candidate for the general election. Everyone should just shut up and eat whatever shit those who know better deign to serve. Can you point out where the article said don’t vote for Robert O’Rourke if he is the Democratic candidate in

“Pragmatism” is its own ideology, and a deeply shitty one at that. 

Then don’t read Splinter. There is way more negative coverage of Sanders in the general media. You’re getting pissy about a minor, somewhat leftist blog promoting a somewhat leftist candidate?

Distancing yourself from whiteness as a white person in the US rather than owning and fighting to dismantle it isn’t so much cool and radical as it is cynical, cowardly liberal bullshit, which coincidentally is about the whitest thing possible.

Beto... I know you think we all want another Obama, except white this time.

Yeah leftist political discourse in 2019 is awesome, partially because the left can be intelligent and nuanced enough to recognize that a Black or Latinx person going by an Anglophone name in an English-dominant white supremacist culture isn’t actually analogous to a cornball white guy going by a Spanish nickname

It’s passive rather than active (most of the time, at least), but if you don’t take a hard stance, your passive collaboration is functionally indistinguishable from active — neutrality in situations of injustice aiding the oppressor, to paraphrase Tutu.

When people like this hype “compromise,” they really mean collaboration (with the right, of course, never the left). 

“When we learn to respect one another, there’s nothing we can’t do,” he said at one point. And later: “We need to find enough common ground to pursue the common good.”

I guess we won’t really know if neoliberal austerity is really unpopular if we don’t give it a chance to be rejected at least a dozen times. Good luck Beto!

Only a white guy can say.

Ah yes, because Democratic victory is so dependent on the support of people obviously arguing in bad faith.

I take issue with the charge that she should have worded her critique better. The Benjamins one? Sure, it was an inartful statement. But these latest ones? They’re being mischaracterized and approached in bad faith. I’m just gonna drop this very well stated point from a Paul Waldman op-ed in the Washington Post (emphas

That’s a lot of words you typed to say that they’re spineless. Can’t possibly alienate the lobbying arm of a foreign apartheid regime by.... standing by the principles and members of the party they lead.

AFAIC this should apply universally for all Baby Boomers. Their hour has passed. Gen-X or bust.

Sure, Klimt had a way with the ladies- he not only made his society sitters look gorgeous in their portraits, but he was actually able to get his "house" models to masturbate in the studio while he sketched- that's some charisma!