
Rachel's said in a ton of interviews that she was so theater-obsessed for years that she basically knew next to nothing about pop music.

I think to have Greg leave and end the central ongoing plot and then take a week off was a momentum killer.

It's never really come up, but Paula texting Josh to come to the hospital was really the catalyst for almost everything that happened in the finale. It was also one of Paula's worst boundary pushing moments, as Rebecca had been adamant multiple times at that stage that she wanted to move on from Josh.

Rebecca also allowed Paula to do the dirty work so Rebecca could distance herself from the terrible things she was doing. Rebecca basically wanted some degree of plausible deniability in all fronts, and Paula helped provide that.

I don't think she's into sex with people she doesn't know particularly well. She didn't enjoy sex with the vegan either.

I don't actually think she is in a good place right now. I think she's desperately trying to seem like she is. She has that bit of mania still going when she's with Heather/Valencia that she has when she's trying to conform to her idea of how she should be in that relationship. She was also clearly pretty low from

I don't necessarily think suicide attempt, but more that Sunil would be the one to recognize at some stage that there's more wrong with Rebecca than someone who's self-absorbed and trying to define herself.

I really hope this wasn't a one off plot point. Darryl having an ally in the office and not needing Paula/Rebecca's constant approval will change the dynamic of the office in interesting ways. For starters, Darryl likely won't involve himself in patching up Rebecca/Paula. (I could see him actually being actively

I think there was a big tonal issue. With Rebecca not interacting individually much with Paula and no Greg, Rebecca is pretty much constantly in her heightened, manic people pleasing mode. Then Darryl was being over the top desperate for no real apparent reason (I don't really buy even Darryl being that sad about

Or, she will hit the lowest of lows and get dumped by Trent.

I'm pretty sure Sunil will become important down the line to Rebecca's story. A theater major who lost a loved one ostensibly to depression or some other mental illness has to play some role once Rebecca inevitably hits bottom at some point. (Sex with Trent seems to be a pretty big sign she's heading that way.)

I think the other little nugget thst sort of foreshadows the pregnancy is the devotion of time to Lorelai/Luke looking into surrogates, especially with Luke having two quasi surrogate children in Rory and Jess, but Lorelai mentioning how me missed out seeing the childhood of any of the children he helped raise. I get

The thing about the X-Files, and this is as a pretty big fan, is I am not sure there is a successful show out there that seemingly was great in spite of its showrunners and not because of him. Lots of the golden age of TV we're in has huge influences from former X-Files creative team members. The one thing I will

She really just hasn't grown as an actress, maybe because she's been onscreen less since the show ended than most of the others. I felt it was really striking with Jared Padalecki too, who was super green when he and Alexis started, but who seemed eons more comfortable onscreen now, but Alexis, not so much.

Honestly, I actually kind of like how the show doesn't judge the small towners for being content with their small town, middle class lives. If Lane is happy being a mom and performing with Hep Alien as a hobby makes her happy, there's no flop to that. The only real motivation we ever really saw about Lane is she

But she wrote a popular piece in the New Yorker!

I think in Richard's somewhat old-fashioned mind, giving Luke the money was his way of providing for Lorelai. While there's a terrible message to that in many ways, it's kind of a sweet thing that Richard apparently believed their relationship would last.

The worst thing is that somehow those Life and Death Brigaders are apparently the only friends she made in college. This episode made me remember it wasn't Logan per se that made me dislike Rory in the later years, but how Rory became completely accepting of those guys and their lifestyle to the point where she

The musical definitely could have had each scene shaved in half and not been missed.

If anything showed that Rory maybe is in the wrong field, it's when she just blew off the line that was going nowhere. For a story about line culture, that was a gift from God.