
I think I am actually most interested in how these events will affect Paula, because she will almost have to take some steps backwards. I hope Rebecca losing her Harvard Law plan due to revenge isn't foreshadowing for Paula.

We did see him liking her playing dirty when she was talking about blackmail with those country club clients.

Eventually she'll graduate to a fireplace, or at least a metal trash can that's outdoors.

I like what they're doing with Nathaniel for the most part. I hope they keep the balance of keeping him antagonistic while also giving him nuance. The George firing was kind of great-we think we're going to see yet another sign of him softening, but nope, George is fired. I feel like this show got a bit of a pick

The bar mitzvah itself was also a lot like Greg at Jayma's wedding, being determined to not have a good time at an event surrounded by people he grew up with while having an enthusiastic outsider date who is delighted by the local culture.

I will say that while a lot of his motivations clearly involved his desperate need for the optics to look good, I liked that Josh did seem to genuinely care that Rebecca was unhappy in general. It's the first time in forever that I can recall Josh showing he cares about anyone else's feelings.

I think if Paula's husband hadn't cheated, Paula wouldn't have backslid into the Josh/Rebecca true love narrative as well. It's sort of subtle, but you can see Paula's attitude about Josh is a lot different now that her marriage isn't happy anymore.

I could totally see Rebecca sliding into 2.03 mode, absolutely sure that Greg is going to come and object to the wedding because he sent some sort of bittersweet congratulatory text or something. In her mind, that is what someone in love would do rather than let you be happy living your own life.

What's funny is Nathaniel is basically an amalgamation of Ben and Chris. He's the snarky guy who is the perceived enemy but has a lot in common with the protagonist, but he's also very classically attractive and obsessed with his health.

He is basically brought in under the exact same circumstances as Adam Scott's character on Parks and Rec. He's in from the bigger town to threaten the little sanctuary of her workplace.

Nathaniel has a bit of Valencia in him, with the bluntness and obsessiveness with clean eating.

Josh mocked the part of the letter that had Rebecca's little dramatic flourishes that are still very much in character for Rebecca. He only decided he valued the letter because of what she said about him. It brought about zero feelings about how he actually felt about her as a person. It's pretty much perfectly in

We've seen multiple scenes of Paula alone with Mrs. Hernandez where she doesn't speak but Paula acts like she communicated something, so the joke didn't really land for me, unless the idea is Rebecca's self-absorption is catching just like the musical numbers.

She hasn't yet. She needs to, as she should replace her romcom/fairytale tropes with wanting a Coach/Tami relationship.

Heather supposedly had friends she watched Empire with when she was dating Greg, so not sure what happened there or if it's a continuity error. (Now that we know Heather lived with her parents, I'm pretty disappointed we didn't have a B plot about the awkwardness of trying to date in your 20s when you both live at

It's kind of interesting that the worst specific thing he could say about Valencia is she was pushing for marriage. (Though we know of other toxic elements.) If I were Josh, I'm not sure I'd talk about how my ex was so terrible because she thought a 15 year relationship was heading towards marriage.

He's getting the Joey Tribiani treatment.

I liked how the girl group at the beginning of the episode was about how you'd expect-they were hanging out, but didn't have a ton to talk about. It wasn't even awkward, but just people hanging out who want company and don't have a ton in common.

Rebecca specifically said chasing Josh was bad for her. Repeatedly. They already fought once about her ignoring Rebecca's wishes on this, Paula said she understood and still texted Josh. It would be like offering Greg a drink because you sensed he could use one.

White Josh and Hector also watched the expensive pay per view boxing match free at Darryl's.