
I feel like we're basically seeing the effects of Rory's caught between two worlds existence. She won't 100% commit to just being a trust fund baby because she doesn't want to disappoint her mom or go against the working class values she thinks she has. However, she has never been forced to actually make her own

Though it did definitely drag a bit the first half hour before sort of falling into place, it felt very much in line with the Gilmore Girls for me, warts and all.

I've seen every episode, and used to watch it in reruns a decade or so ago, then stopped. Trying to revisit it, I just find too many characters grating now, and while there are running jokes throughout, many episodes are essentially leading up to one big punchline. There's a lot of episodes if they happen to be in

The Sopranos is definitely a show I am not particularly interested in revisiting, though eligiously watched it and feel it's still an all-time great show. While character and the bits of humor were a big part of the show, I am not engaged enough with the characters or relationships to revisit.

As far as the Valencia/Rebecca friendship, I kind of feel like Valencia is the new Greg. Rebecca offers something Valencia really craves, which is a genuine female connection, and even though in some ways she knows who Rebecca is and it's a terrible idea to get sucked in, she can't stop the Rebecca freight train any

Santino signed a one year contract. He came in and did his job well the whole time, with no evidence of ever phoning it in. He also came back for four additional episodes he wasn't originally under contract to do. If he were so terrible, they would have written Greg off offscreen. Just say he got the DUI and left

I actually think Tap that Ass was more of a demonstration of Rebecca's own immaturity and issues with forming real emotional attachments. For Rebecca, initially the only memories that hit her were the sexual ones, but that's still her primary way to bond and connect with men. When she first got together with Greg,

I think seeing Greg at AA really impacted Paula. Before, their scheming was pretty victimless to Paula, as she convinced herself Valencia was a villain and Josh was better off with Rebecca. Paula knows enough to understand that watching someone's confession at their AA meeting without their knowledge is a deep

One of my favorite things was Paul's divorce attorney's reactions as Paul's vindictiveness got more and more heightened. It built up pretty nicely to the culmination of him laughing out loud.

And then in Episode 15 we get another look at Greg's psyche and get a bettter idea of why he is acting out, and then see him make a self-realization at the grocery store and watch him let go of some of the anger. The grocery store plot to me really epitomizes Greg: he's initially an asshole to Marty (though it's

I saw the video online the day before, and I watched it twice before getting it. What's funny is somehow I caught on to "finish" being an innuendo in and of itself, but the chest part went over my head.

You know what's kind of interesting? There are no straight white male characters right now.

I am guessing the "you'll scratch it!" was added to meet standards and practices.

I am really going to miss Santino/Greg. Greg was definitely my emotional entry into the show. I hope he comes back at some point so we can get a glimpse of him after he's gotten out. I do wish they'd given a beat to Greg's reaction to finally leaving, as the focus was really more on both Josh and Rebecca's

His dad specifically said get your MBA this episode. Previously, "business school" had been all they had said.

It's not really uncommon for series regulars to do other work when they're in a larger ensemble. If they do have Greg in Atlanta, they likely would just film all his scenes together for multiple episodes since he wouldn't interacting with the rest of the cast.

No one was saying Josh should never tell Greg, and he was being encouraged to do so before it was known Greg was dealing with his sobriety. It wasn't a secret that was particularly sustainable (side note: Is Greg the only one a good enough friend to have immediately asked Josh where he was living post breakup? It

That scene was great. It was effective without being over the top. I think Greg very much needed to hear after everything that Josh cared about him, and I think this time Greg was completely sincere that everything is in the past (largely because I think right now, so is Rebecca to Greg).

We at least finally got confirmation that Greg did go to college and this is his MBA he's always been talking about. It's weird that Greg never talked about college, though I could see him having commuted to college and working if the restaurant was still open then.

Rebecca is also just really immature as a human being right now on top of her other issues. I think we are seeing some positive steps on that front, like her at least trying to consciously be a good friend to Paula or acknowledging how she hurt Greg last week in contrast to last season when she just wanted the