
I didn't see Greg's admission that way at all, as I think he truly believes Rebecca got what she wanted by being with Josh and believes she is happy. Greg has always sort of bought into the Josh/Rebecca destiny narrative. I think he was just being honest with her with zero expectation (and probably limited desire

I think the focus on the Terror Family (RIP, TWOP) was one of my favorite non-Jack plots of the show. For that reason alone, season four is one of my favorites.

Yeah, I remember being absolutely stunned when it turned out Teri was dead. It felt like such a traditional action movie in so many ways, with the natural happy ending.

Good point. I think also one of Greg's big lessons is going to be to learn how to balance his natural proclivity to be a caretaker with focusing on himself and his own needs. I think that's where they're going with Greg/Paula being on the opposite end of the spectrum from Josh/Rebecca. Greg/Paula need to put more

She made a pretty big leap too in her conversation with Greg. She was completely self-involved last episode, and that's her default mode for the most part. She was truly genuinely sorry for hurting Greg. You can see Josh is more where Rebecca was post taco festival, where he is more concerned with seeming like a

I don't think it's a coincidence, especially after Rebecca's "I'm only here because I like ducks."

I think that the more gross out humor popping up in Greg and Paula's songs was actually intentional, as Paula and Greg are on parallel paths right now. I think the potty humor taps into the indignities of their lives up to this point.

I feel like what might happen with Greg is that he won't relapse, but he's going to really, really struggle now that he can't numb his feelings. I feel like the surface level issue was the alcohol, but the larger issue is going to be controlling his anger. It was almost as powerful to hear Greg say he was letting go

She did actually say the word love about Greg in the finale when she was in fantasy mode talking to the bird. She tells the bird that she is going to declare her love to a prince that day. That pretty much shows where Rebecca is romantic maturity wise as far as how she perceives love. If she believes her feelings

The intent to show Josh as a narcissist was a lot clearer than any intent to portray Greg as verbally abusive. The sweet moments with Josh were often tinged with something negative. For instance, Valencia wasn't being particularly unreasonable to not want Josh to hang out with Rebecca during the party episode. He

Rachel talks a lot about their admiration for Breaking Bad, and I think the rapid pushing of plot that you expect to slow burn is one way you can see the influence.

I don't think it was ever supposed to be nearly so black and white as that. The first we saw of Greg, he turned down sex with Rebecca because she was upset and was kind to her even though she was pretty clearly using him. He's the guy taking care of his dad, and without hesitation wiped out his savings for his dad

I think it's a little bit of both. I think her telling Greg that he broke her heart was true, and I think seeing this introspective and open Greg probably made those residual feelings come to the surface all the more.

Though I'm not really sure we're supposed to believe he's truly judgey so much as Josh only wants people to enable him, even when he's in the wrong. He also showed with his "blah, blah, blah," that even though he seeks Father Brah's counsel, he tunes a bunch of it out when it doesn't suit his purposes.

I think like anyone who is friends with someone in and on again, off again relationship, they wanted the relationship to end. I always thought it was interesting how Greg definitely didn't like Valencia all that much or how she treated Josh, but he also was pretty empathetic in regards to Valencia as well. He

And she basically saw Greg at his very worst the first two times she met him (getting hammered at the party and his anger bubbling over at his mom), and that seemed to attract her. She told Josh she never would have slept with Happy Greg.

Yeah. Greg's whole life is surrounded by drinking. His dad drinks like a fish, he works in a bar, and his dynamic with his friends involves lots of drinking. He also definitely has other issues, and needs an outlet that doesn't involve punching walls when the feelings overwhelm him.

I think Josh as self-involved was there last season in nuggets. I rewatched a couple of times like the obsessive nerd I am, and I think it is clearer on a repeat viewing once you know where it goes. It really begins when they throw Valencia in the mix, and it was sneaky to have Valencia be just terrible enough that

I think at Christmas Greg made a tiny step forward with his mom, but I don't think years of hurt and resentment vanished that night. His commitment issues almost entirely come from his mom leaving. I think the main issue is it seems like Greg's mom did to him what Greg does in relationships. She can tell Greg all

The best thing Greg could do is give them his blessing, then just laugh on the sidelines as Josh loses his best excuse to extricate himself.